Monday, July 12, 2010

What is the relationship between pineapple and pregnancy? Is it dangerous for pregnant and lactating mothers?

The tropical fruit pineapple with its beautiful yellow colour belongs to the family of Bromeliaceae. One oft he most important enzymes of pineapple is bromelain which is responsible for its health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and important minerals.

The health benefits of bromelain include:

• Anti-inflammatory
• Reduces swelling
• Helps in the treatment of sore throat and sinus
• Helps in the treatment of gout and acute arthritis

Fresh pineapple must be eaten to get these benefits. To get the best benefit it should be eaten between meals and other food should not be eaten with this.

Is eating fresh pineapple or drinking fresh pineapple juice during pregnancy safe? Could it and its juice in the later stage of pregnancy induce labour? In high quantities pineapple juice can cause uterine contraction. That is why eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice is recommended to women who experience delayed pregnancies. Therefore, excess pineapple or juice must be avoided during the early stages of pregnancy.

The enzyme bromelain is responsible for this. Miscarriage, vomiting, diarrhoea, very heavy menstrual periods are the other effects of excess consumption of fresh pineapple.

There are no scientific evidences for this effect, but excess pineapple is as effective as castor oil as a laxative. Excess means 6 to 7 fresh pineapples. Pregnant and lactating mothers must consult with their doctor if they want to eat pineapples. More research is needed in this field.

During canning bromelain is destroyed and this could be eaten by all, in moderate amounts.


  1. You are simply the best,Nice Info.I will share this post on twitter.

  2. Thanks doctor. (It maybe help me in the future (I Hope so ) )

