Triglycerides are a type of blood fat which is usually called blood fat. In this way it is also differentiated from the cholesterol mostly. Along with heredity, LDL-cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and obesity it is also a risk factor for the cardiovascular diseases. It is also considered an independent risk factor for stroke.
I know you are a rice eater and this excess rice eating is a risk factor which increases the triglycerides levels in the blood. Any excessive intake of carbohydrates can increase this. It can be chocolates, other sweets, cakes, bread, noodle or chips. Insulin sends the sugar to all our cells to produce energy. If too much of sugar is still in the blood they are sent to the liver where it is converted into triglycerides. Excess fructose, the fruit sugar is also converted in the liver to triglycerides. Even if the level of cholesterol is normal triglycerides increase the stroke risk to 30%.
High level triglycerides in the blood increases to types of fat particles, one is LDL-cholesterol and the other is chylomicrons. These may cause fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessels.
Whenever you control your cholesterol, triglycerides must also be controlled. The American Heart Association recommends the following triglycerides levels:
• Normal range …………………less than 150 mg/dl
• Borderline-high……………150 to 199 mg/dl
• High………………………………....200 to 499 mg/dl
• Very high………………………….500 mg/dl and above
It is easy to reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood. Eat less carbohydrate and more fruits and vegetables. Fat intake must also be controlled. A good lifestyle and exercises are very important.
I know you are a rice eater and this excess rice eating is a risk factor which increases the triglycerides levels in the blood. Any excessive intake of carbohydrates can increase this. It can be chocolates, other sweets, cakes, bread, noodle or chips. Insulin sends the sugar to all our cells to produce energy. If too much of sugar is still in the blood they are sent to the liver where it is converted into triglycerides. Excess fructose, the fruit sugar is also converted in the liver to triglycerides. Even if the level of cholesterol is normal triglycerides increase the stroke risk to 30%.
High level triglycerides in the blood increases to types of fat particles, one is LDL-cholesterol and the other is chylomicrons. These may cause fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessels.
Whenever you control your cholesterol, triglycerides must also be controlled. The American Heart Association recommends the following triglycerides levels:
• Normal range …………………less than 150 mg/dl
• Borderline-high……………150 to 199 mg/dl
• High………………………………....200 to 499 mg/dl
• Very high………………………….500 mg/dl and above
It is easy to reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood. Eat less carbohydrate and more fruits and vegetables. Fat intake must also be controlled. A good lifestyle and exercises are very important.