Saturday, October 31, 2009

Frankfurt/Main (AP) Das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) warnt vor einem Produkten, die Nanopartikel enthalten und freisetzen können. Die Wirkung von Nanomaterialien in der Umwelt und mögliche gesundheitliche Risiken für den Menschen seien derzeit noch unzureichend erforscht, heißt es in einer Mittwoch veröffentlichten UBA-Studie. Die Verwendung solcher Produkte solle so lange vermieden werden, wie «ihre Wirkungen in der Umwelt und auf die menschliche Gesundheit noch weitgehend unbekannt sind.

Zudem fordert die Behörde die Politik auf, rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den sicheren Umgang mit Nanomaterialien zu schaffen. Sie fordert eine Kennzeichnungspflicht und ein Melderegister für Produkte mit Nanopartikeln. Davon wären mehr als 800 Unternehmen in Deutschland betroffen.

Die Technik wird unter anderem eingesetzt, um in Textilien das Wachstum von Bakterien zu hemmen und damit üblen Geruch zu verhindern oder in Sonnencremes UV-Strahlen abzuhalten. Nanotechnisch optimierte Kunststoffe können das Gewicht bei Autos oder Flugzeugen senken und damit helfen, Treibstoff zu sparen. LED-Lampen (LED heißt Licht emittierende Dioden) sparen Strom.
Das UBA erklärte, auf den Markt komme eine rasch wachsende Zahl von Produkten, die sich «vermutlich positiv auf Umwelt und Wirtschaft auswirken». Doch die Wirkungen der Nanomaterialien in der Umwelt und mögliche gesundheitliche Risiken für den Menschen seien noch unzureichend erforscht. Dennoch würden Nanopartikel mit der zunehmenden Anwendung vermehrt in Boden, Wasser und Luft verbreitet.
Partikel lösen bei Ratten Lungenentzündung aus
Die Atemwege seien wahrscheinlich der bedeutendste Aufnahmeweg für Nanopartikel, die mit bloßem Auge nicht sichtbar sind. Dazu lägen die meisten wissenschaftlichen Studien vor, hieß es. Demnach könnten die Partikel bis tief in die Lunge vordringen und dort Entzündungen auslösen. Im Tierversuch mit Ratten wanderten die Teilchen bis in den Kern von Körperzellen und schädigten dort die Erbinformation DNA. Zudem wird über Hinweise berichtet, dass Nanoröhrchen aus Kohlenstoff bei Tieren Erkrankungen auslösen können, die jenen von Asbestfasern ähnlich sind.
Über die Lunge und mit der Aufnahme von Nahrungsmitteln können Nanopartikel in den Magen-Darm-Trakt gelangen. Die wenigen vorliegenden Studien weisen nach Angaben der Behörde auf eine sehr geringe Aufnahme hin. Nanopartikel können auch über die Haut in den Körper gelangen. Das UBA erklärt jedoch: «Intakte, gesunde Haut stellt offensichtlich eine effektive Barriere gegenüber Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln dar.»
Die Forderungen der Behörde finden bei den Grünen wie auch dem Bund für Uumwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) Zustimmung. Die Grünen-Bundestagsabgeordnete Priska Hinz warf Bundesforschungsministerin Annette Schavan (CDU) eine «zögerliche Haltung» vor. Sie habe sich weder national noch international für die notwendige Regulierung eingesetzt.
Der BUND meinte: «Es ist völlig unverständlich, dass es bisher keine gesetzliche Regulierung von Nanomaterialien in Alltagsprodukten gibt, obwohl zahlreiche Studien vor Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt warnen.» In Lebensmitteln hätten Nanoteilchen nichts zu suchen, solange die Risiken nicht abschließend geklärt seien.

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Einen Giftcocktail aus bis zu 20 Substanzen zum Pflanzenschutz hat Greenpeace in getrockneten Kräutern und Gewürzen entdeckt, darunter für den Menschen riskante Nervengifte.

Vor allem Curry- und Paprikapulver enthalten große Mengen an Pflanzenschutzmitteln
Zahlreiche getrocknete Kräuter und Gewürze sind mit Pestiziden belastet. Wie die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace am Donnerstag (29.10.2009) in Hamburg mitteilte, stufte sie nach einem Test mehr als ein Viertel von 37 Proben aus konventionellem Anbau als „nicht empfehlenswert“ ein.

Besonders belastet sind demnach wie bereits im Vorjahr Paprika- und Currypulver sowie getrocknete Petersilie. Beispielsweise habe die getrocknete Petersilie der Marke Tip, eine Eigenmarke der Metro-Tochter Real in Hamburg, die gesetzlich festgelegte Höchstmenge überschritten. Die Organisation habe Strafanzeige gegen Metro erstattet. Frische Kräuter hingegen seien im Vergleich zu 2008 nur noch gering belastet.

Eine Prise Paprika oder Curry enthält laut Greenpeace bis zu 20 verschiedene Chemikalien. Darunter befänden sich gesundheitsgefährdende Wirkstoffe wie das als Nervengift wirkende Chlorpyrifos-Ethyl und das die Fortpflanzung beeinträchtigende Carbendazim. Selbst das in der EU verbotene Pestizid DDT (Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethan) sei in einer Curry-Probe nachgewiesen worden. Greenpeace kritisierte gleichzeitig Mängel beim Verbraucherschutz. So gebe es für Gewürzmischungen wie Currypulver keine Grenzwerte der Pestizidbelastung.
Anfang September 2009 hat die Organisation insgesamt 44 Proben Petersilie, Schnittlauch, Curry- und Paprikapulver gekauft, davon sieben aus biologischem Anbau. Sie stammen laut Greenpeace aus Filialen der sechs führenden deutschen Supermarktketten und einem Biosupermarkt in Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, München und um Frankfurt am Main.


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Greenpeas found in dried herbs and spices poison cocktails containing up to 20 organochlorine chemicals used in agriculture. Among them there are many risky nerve and reproductive poisons for humans.

Above all Curry powder and Paprika powder contain large quantities of pesticides and other organochlorine chemicals used in agriculture.

Numerous dried herbs and spices are contaminated with pesticides. According to the Greenpeas report on Thursday (29.10.2009) in Hamburg that 25% of the analyzed 37 samples from the conventional cultivation could not be recommended for human consumption.

Particularly, like already in the previous year, paprika powder and Curry powder as well as dried parsley had more residues of pesticides. For example, the dried parsley of the brand Tip, a home-mark of the Metro daughter Real in Hamburg, has exceeded legally specified maximum quantity of pesticide residue levels. Greenpeas had taken legal action against Metro. Fresh herbs, however, had less pesticide residues compared with 2008.

Paprika powder or Curry powder contained according to Greenpeas up to 20 different organochlorine chemicals. Among them are chemicals like Chlorpyrifos ethyl, a nerve poison and Carbendazim which influences the reproductive capacity negatively. Even the pesticide DDT (Dichlordiphenyltrichlorethane), banned in the European Union, was found in a Curry sample. Greenpeas criticized at the same time lack of laws to protect the consumers. Thus, there are no declared pesticide residue levels for spice mixtures such as curry powder. If the pesticide load is high it is not good for our health.

From the beginning of September 2009 Greenpeas bought altogether 44 samples of parsley, chives, curry powder and paprika powder, out of that seven were from biological cultivation. They originate according to Greenpeas from branches of the six prominent German supermarket chains and a bio supermarket in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Frankfurt/Main area.

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The Hindu: PORTLAND, Maine, October 30, 2009

Two bottles of Fentimans Victorian lemonade are seen, Croydon, south London, on Thursday. The century-old British lemonade has run into trouble in the U.S. because a high school student complained that the company's Victorian-style drink contains alcohol. The complaint prompted high school officials in Maine to contact the police, who are seeking a legal opinion from the Maine attorney general about whether the lemonade can be sold to minors.

Call it a culture clash, trans-Atlantic style.
The Brits think the Americans are puritanical and somewhat batty. The Americans find the Brits morally lax and too willing to bend the rules.
It all started at a high school in Maine when a student consumed half a bottle of Fentimans Victorian Lemonade, then looked at the label and discovered it contained small amounts of alcohol, listed as less than 0.5 percent. By contrast, a typical American beer usually contains about 5 percent alcohol.
Not wanting to get in trouble, he showed it to school administrators, who called police. Police referred the matter to state officials to determine whether the zesty beverage could be sold to minors. Anti-alcohol groups got involved, sending out warnings about the potential perils of the highbrow brew.
On Thursday, the Maine attorney general’s office said it has determined that, in Maine, at least, people have to be 21 to buy the product.
“Fentimans Lemonade cannot be sold to minors,” said spokeswoman Kate Simmons.
The president of the U.S. division of Fentimans, Greg Warwick, said the company’s full line of beverages is deemed OK by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Maine is the only place where anybody has raised a stink, Mr. Warwick said.
“This is a very historical process that’s been going on since 1905,” Mr. Warwick said.
In England, company officials said the brouhaha in Maine is much ado about nothing.
“We see it as slightly absurd,” said Tiffany McKirdy, operations director at Fentimans, a specialty brewer in northern England. “It looks to us like utter hysteria, the fact that the principal contacted the police and the substance abuse officials got involved.
“We do occasionally get inquiries about the alcohol content, and we are concerned about underage drinking, but it is legally classified as a soft drink.”
A person would need to drink about 28 bottles of the lemonade to consume the amount of alcohol found in a typical pint of beer, Ms. McKirdy said.
The concerns raised in Maine reflect the prudishness of the devout men and women who left England in search of the new world, said Fentimans managing director Eldon Robson.
“Maine is, of course, where our puritanical forefathers went because Britain was not strict enough, and it has been said that Puritans are people who are always worried that someone, somewhere, might be having fun,” he said, adding that he found the whole flap amusing.
It is not a laughing matter in Houlton, Maine, where Police Chief Butch Asselin asked the state’s liquor licensing authorities to determine whether the lemonade could legally be sold to minors.
“It wasn’t so much that we were trying to give Fentimans a black eye,” he said. “We just want to make parents aware it contains alcohol. I’ve never had it; it’s probably very good, but their Web site says it can be used for mixed drinks.”
He pointed out that non-alcoholic beers with similar residual alcohol content cannot be dispensed to minors under Maine law.
The police chief is also concerned because a Google search of Victorian lemonade turned up recipes calling for it to be made with gin. He fears young people will read those recipes and add gin to their Fentimans.
Clare Desrosiers of the Aroostook Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition said that given the lemonade’s alcohol content and packaging, it shouldn’t be marketed to children any more than candy cigarettes should.
“If a product encourages children to drink alcohol, then it shouldn’t be sold,” she said. All this has a bright side for Fentimans. The controversy has raised its profile in the U.S., leading to a significant number of inquiries from wholesalers and consumers looking to buy its lemonade and other products. The company started exporting to the U.S. only four years ago, and could use a boost in name recognition.
“This furore has resulted in an amazing amount of consumer requests,” Mr. McKirdy said. “People are aware of the product. I think we have to look on this in a positive light.”

We say 0.00% alcohol in soft drinks – I know well where it ends… alcohol spoils not only one's health but also the whole family.


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Friday, October 30, 2009

What is hookah smoking?

Hookah smoking is a rapidly growing form of tobacco use worldwide.

Narghile or bong or hookah or water-pipe smoking, where the principle of smoking is the same, has been extensively practised in India, in the Middle East and other countries for more than 400 years, with a recent rebirth of this, predominantly among youth. 25% of youth at the age of 13 to 15 smoke water-pipes today in Germany. It is also a problem for the youth in USA and other countries.

Is it used only to smoke tobacco?

Hookah is generally used to smoke tobacco, cannabis or other substances. As you see the danger of coming in contact with cannabis is there always.

What is the difference between cigarette smoking and hookah smoking?

There are two main differences between cigarette and hookah smoking. Water-pipe cool the smoke before it enters the person’s lungs, it makes then easier to smoke and a large amount of smoke is inhaled quickly than the smaller, more frequent inhalation cigarette smoking.

The components of the tobacco used are variable and not well standardized and the result is high amount of aerosol in water-pipe smoke as well as other substances including cadmium.

What are the health risks of hookah smoking?

It is a health risk because you smoke there tobacco or cannabis or other substances or drugs which may be more dangerous, but the significant health risk is associated with pipe sharing with all possible severe infections.

Could you compare the hookah smoke with cigarette smoke?

It is very difficult to standardise these values, but with the available data it is possible to compare them. Hookah smoke contains high amount of nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and heavy metals.

The nicotine content of hookah is 2% to 4% compared to 1% to 3% in cigarette smoke and the amount of carbon monoxide is 0.34% to 1.4% in hookah smoke and 0.41% in cigarette smoke.

The levels of lead, arsenic and chromium are also high in hookah smoke.

Moreover, hookah is smoked sometimes hours together so that the quantity of the poison gone to the blood is also more.

How could one inhale so much of smoke without any problem?

Hookah smoke is moisturized and this allows to smoke and inhale deeply without irritation.

What are the possible infections?

The possible infections include tuberculosis, herpes simplex, helicobacter pylori, hepatitis C, Ebstein-Barr virus, pulmonary aspergillosis, respiratory viruses and HIV.

My friends say it contains fewer toxins than cigarette smoke because the smoke in hookah is filtered through the water, is it correct or not?

It is wrong and it is a common misconception to make it acceptable to the society and never believe it.

What is your last word about hookah smoking?

Mouths away from this hookahs because in several places or in parties alcohol, illicit drugs like cocaine or amphetamine or other psychoactive drugs also mixed, I tell you, this is dangerous for your health and could lead to your downfall for ever.

What should be done?

Educate the youth about the danger of this and drugs abuse in geneal. If you do it in a proper way we could convince them. It is the duty of our parents, educational institutions, doctors and all other who always boast to have influence in our society.

To know more about all the abused drugs in our world read Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban's Book "Drugs Abuse". For further information

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CHENNAI: The Chennai Police have cracked down on hookah lounges attached to some restaurants in the city following specific allegations that some of them were entertaining minors. Police said there was also information that select customers were being allowed to use narcotic substances (drugs of abuse) in the ‘sheesha.’

According to Joint Commissioner of Police (Central) V.A. Ravikumar, hookah lounges attached to three upmarket restaurants at Nungambakkam were closed down a couple of days ago. “We have sought an explanation from them… the ‘sheesha’ materials have been referred to the Forensic Science Laboratory for analysis. There was an input that young boys and girls were allowed to use hookah. Investigation revealed that minors were being entertained.”

While the restaurant managers produced declarations that the age and identity proof of customers were taken on record, police maintained that minors were using the hookah and often allowed to mix “addictive” substances.
“We ordered the closure of the hookah lounges only after a prima facie case was made out. In one restaurant, there was no lighting at the car parking and couples were allowed to remain in cars for long. This is not moral policing…we’re only enforcing the law. It involves safety of children,” said Mr. Ravikumar.
As a first step towards ensuring any misuse, police have asked the hookah lounges to install closed circuit television (CCTV) systems. “We intend to write to the Chennai Corporation [that issues licence to restaurants] to make it mandatory for hookah lounges to have the CCTV facility as a prerequisite while seeking licence. There should be adequate lighting at parking lots,” he said.

A very good work by Chennai Police, we praise and thank them.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Breast cancer is regarded as a typical women’s cancer, but it can strike men too. Men are about 100 times less likely to get breast cancer than women. About 1% to 3% of all breast cancers affect the health of men.

The causes of male breast cancer are not known. The risk factors may be genetic disorders, radiation exposure during childhood as well as adulthood, xeno-estrogens from the food, air and soil, liver diseases, obesity, excess alcohol consumption and many other not known risk factors.

Most often men get breast cancer when they are between 60 and 70 years old.

The common signs of female and male breast cancers are the same. About 35% of the male breast cancers are diagnosed only in advanced stages. But in women less than 10% have advanced cancer when they come to the doctor. The reasons are the breast size and almost no awareness. This is in Western countries. In developing and emerging countries we do not have clear statistics.

The best way to prevent male breast cancer is to change the lifestyle to reduce the risk factors. They include:

• No smoking
• Limit the alcohol quantity – only social drinking is good to your health
• Avoid processed food, particularly processed meat and meat products
• Avoid trans fats – these are almost in all snacks
• Reduce weight – obesity is a risk factor for many cancers
• Eat more deep green vegetables
• Eat more coloured and ripe fruits
• Avoid xeno-estrogens
• Avoid radiation
• Avoid air pollution
• Persons with white skin need more vitamin D than others. 20 min sunlight is enough
• Regular exercise will reduce the risk of all cancers

It is better to talk to your doctor about breast cancer. If you go for your regular medical check after you are above 60 years old ask him also about this.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sexual abuse of children and teenagers are happening everywhere. If we point out one nation with our index finger three fingers point out us; this is unfortunately the reality. The victims are suffering life long. Here I give you three more worst incidents. These are the known cases but there are tens of thousands of cases which never come out…

Case 7 – On 28th March 2009 police arrested a Colombian man in Italy for forcing his daughter to have sex with him for 25 years. Everything started when she was 9 years old. He fathered her eight children. His son is in police custody since last month accused of raping his four daughters aged 6, 8, 12 and 20 and forcing them to watch the sex sessions.

Case 8 – Several lawsuits were filed in 2001 in USA alleging that catholic priests had sexually abused minors. Some priests resigned, others were sent out or jailed. Hundreds of millions US$s were paid to the victims. Such abuses are there almost in all religions and sects.

Case 9 – It is a shock to hear that an Indian businessman allegedly raped his daughter more than 9 years following a tandrik’s advice for getting rich. It is not the only case in India and it is a cold reality.

It is an evil in all the countries in the world, many close their eyes and they are the worst evil doers.

For further details read Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban's
"Sexual Abuse of Children and Sex Health Education".

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Risk Factors

Risk Factors are several conditions which makes it likely to get a particular disease. Always remember that having one or even more risk factors does not necessarily mean one will develop breast cancer. At the same time many women with breast cancer have no known risk factors. That means we do not know now many risk factors yet and we must look critically everything which may cause breast cancer.

The known Risk Factors include:

• Inherited genes which increase cancer risk – certain gene mutations, the most common genes are BRCA1 and BACR2.
• A personal history – if you have in one breast the chance of getting in the other breast is very high.
• A family history – if mother, sister or daughter has breast cancer the risk is more. But remember many of the diseased have no family history of breast cancer.
• Increasing age – risk of breast cancer increases with age.
• Late first pregnancy – if one gives birth her first baby after 35 years, the chances of developing breast cancer may increase.
• Overweight and Obesity – these increase the risk of breast cancer
• Early puberty and menstruation - getting first menstruation till 12 is considered a breast cancer risk.
• Late menopause – if the beginning of menopause is after 55 years, this increases the risk of developing breast cancer.
• Postmenopausal hormone therapy – women who take the combination therapy with estrogen and progesterone to treat the symptoms of menopause have an increased risk of breast cancer.
• Oral contraceptives – women with many known risk factors must avoid the anti baby pills with hormones.
• Radiation exposure – if you receive radiation therapy or taken X-rays at any time in your life, later it is a risk factor for breast cancer. Electricity power lines, all radiation sources including cell phones and above all the cell phone towers radiate much and women with risk factor must avoid this. In these cases a plausible scientific analysis is possible after many decades and therefore it is better to avoid.
• Food habit – it plays an important role. One must eat what her/his metabolism needs.
• Alcohol – avoid too much of alcohol
• Smoking
• Being a woman – it is the biggest risk factor. If you understand everything it is a manageable risk for many.

Symptoms of breast cancer

• A lump or thickening in the breast which feels different from the surrounding breast tissues
• Discharge from the nipple
• Inverted nipple
• Flaking or peeling of the nipple skin
• Change in the shape or size of the breast
• Changes in the breast skin
• The breast skin becomes red or orange

In many women the recent mammogram may be normal; even then, if you have the symptoms go to the doctor immediately.
If we diagnose earlier there are many good treatments to heal you.

Risk factors one can control

They include:

• Diet
• Weight
• Alcohol consumption
• Smoking
• Exposure to estrogens, the female hormones, without break as in hormone replacement therapy in post menopause for many years including xeno-estrogens
• Oral contraceptives – it is big business. There are many alternative methods
• Anxiety
• Stress
• Exercise

Learn to avoid these by changing one’s lifestyle. This is worth doing for your health.
Here I have written everything in a very simple way so that everybody could read and understand. I do counseling in this field also to give you tailor-made proposals for everything including metabolism based individual diet plan and environmental assessment. In the coming days there will be separate pages for the counseling information in my web site. Visit

Our motto is your good Health…

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Paracetamol is the most commonly used painkiller in the world. Persons who are allergic or sensitive to aspirin could use paracetamol without any problem. Compared to aspirin or ibuprofen it is not effective against inflammation. It is primarily used to reduce fever and to relieve aches and pain associated with cold, flu, menstrual cramps, arthritis, body aches, toothaches and other pains. In right dose it is also tolerated by children.

The side effects of paracetamol include:

• Hives, skin rash and short breath. Stop taking the medicine and go to your doctor
• Nausea
• Prolonged and habitual use can lead to liver damage or failure

Persons with known liver diseases should not take paracetamol.

The combination of paracetamol and alcohol is deadly. It is caused by taking more than prescribed doses or by habitual or long term use of paracetamol. Every year more than 800,000 persons die because of this combination in USA.

If you take paracetamol the fever must go within three days and the pain within 10 days. If not, go to your doctor immediately.

If you are pregnant or breast feeding consult with your doctor before taking paracetamol.

Usage for a long period can damage kidneys

Painkillers can be taken if you have pain and stop it immediately if the pain is reduced. For each small pain do not take them and it is not good for our health in the long run. Sometimes fresh air is better than painkillers.

If you are taking any tablets drink enough water.

To know more about paracetamol and its combinations read Dr. K. Padmanaban's "Side Effects of Medicines". For further details visit

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Sexual abuse of children and teenagers are happening everywhere. If we point out one nation with our index finger three fingers point out us; this is unfortunately the reality. The victims are suffering life long. Here I give you two more worst incidents. These are the known cases but there are tens of thousands of cases which never come out…

Case 5 – The largest and probably the worst child abuse case in France was 66 adults, including 27 women, appeared in a specially built courtroom accused of raping, sexually abusing and prostituting 45 children. Some victims were babies not yet walking and it was horrible. Parents had sex with their children and sold them to other adults for a food parcel or a carton of cigarettes. Here the social, moral and human values were damaged irreparably.

The victims were children, 19 boys and 26 girls aged between six months and 12 years. One girl, four at that time was abused at least 45 times, including by her own father. The children were demolished and traumatized. Some spoke sparely or screamed as soon as they were approached by strangers. The punishments what they got were 10 to 30 years in prison on charges of rape of minors under the age of 15.

The families were known to the social service officials or under their supervision. This is, unfortunately, the case in many developed countries also.

Case 6 – An Austrian father in the town of Amstetten pretended for years that his daughter had run away to live with a sect. He told that the unwanted children of his daughter were raised by the grandparents. But, she was kept in her father’s basement for 24 years behind a concrete door locked with an electronic code. She bore seven of his children. His relatives, neighbors and officials denied any knowledge of this incident and it is impossible to believe. Only in March 2009 Josef Fritzl got life sentence.

For further details read Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban's "Sexual Abuse of Children and Sex Health Education".

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Es ist mehr als drei Wochen jetzt, da ich über mein Öl-Ziehen geschrieben habe. Ich tue mein Öl-Ziehen regelmäßig und besuche Leute, die auch regelmäßig das Öl-Ziehen tun. Es gibt tausende Berichte, aber die ich nicht persönlich prüfen könnte. Ich benötige viele Jahre, alle diese Berichte zu überprüfen. Ich lege Priorität für wichtige Sachen jetzt fest. Bei den Hämorrhoiden hilft das Öl-Ziehen sehr gut aber nur mit der Stoffwechselgerechter Nahrung.

Das Resultat nach einem Monat mit Magengeschwür ist auch sehr aufmunternd. Hier auch das Öl-Ziehen nicht nur wichtig ist aber auch die richtige Nahrung für den Stoffwechsel.

Meine persönliche Erfahrung mit dem Öl-Ziehen ist gut. Die Zähne werden weiß, mein Atem ist immer frisch, keine Magenprobleme und die Zahnfleisch ist gesund. Selbst wenn ich meine Zunge beiße oder, irgendwo im Mund werden diese wunde innerhalb 24 Stunden kuriert. Vorher muss ich für dieses wenige Tage leiden.

Ich habe von vielen gehört, dass sogar Ekzem geheilt ist nach 6 bis 9 Monate. Ich werde alles sehr sorgfältig beobachten, um Ihnen die richtigen Informationen zu geben.

Ich möchte Ihnen noch einmal erklären. Wir könnten viele Sachen mit dem Öl-Ziehen erzielen, aber es ist die nur 50% Wahrheit und das andere 50% ist die richtige Nahrung für den Stoffwechsel. Es gibt viele Fragen von Lesern ob das mit anderen Ölen als sesam Öl auch geht und ich werde Sie später darüber informieren.

Warten auf mein Tagesbuch...

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It is more than three weeks now since I have written my oil pulling diary. I am doing my oil pulling regularly and visiting people who is also doing regularly oil pulling. There are thousand reports, but which I could not prove personally. I need many years to check all these reports. I set priority for important things now. With piles oil pulling with right food for the metabolism helps very much.

The result after one month with ulcer is also very encouraging. Here also not only the oil pulling is important but also the right food for the metabolism.

My personal experience with oil pulling is good. The teeth are becoming white, my breath is fresh always, no stomach problems and the gums are healthy. Even if I bite my tongue or somewhere in the mouth these hurts are cured with 24 hours. Previously I have to suffer for this few days.

I have heard from many that after 6 to 9 months even eczema is cured and I am observing everything very carefully to give you the right information in my oil pulling diary.

I want to tell you once again. We could achieve many things with oil pulling, but it is only 50% truth and the other 50% is the right food for our metabolism. There are many questions with oil pulling with other oils than sesame oil and I will write you about this later.

Wait for my oil pulling diary…

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Sexual abuse of children and teenagers are happening everywhere. If we point out one nation with our index finger three fingers point out us; this is unfortunately the reality. The victims are suffering life long. Here I give you few of the worst incidents…

Case 3 – Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were murdered by Ian Huntley, a secondary school caretaker, in August 2002 in Soham, England. His girl friend Maxine Carr who was a teaching assistant at St. Andrew’s Primary School where the two young girls were pupils helped him. The bodies of the girls were found 10 km away from their home in a heavily wooded area. Ian Huntley was convicted for life and Carr for 42 months. During the Soham trial, it came to light that Ian Huntley had a long criminal record of four rapes, four under-age sex offences and one sexual assault. The mistake of the police in the verification of his background before his appointment in Soham was a grave one although the other police station had this information. The police verification was superficial.

Case 4 – Madeleine McCann disappeared on the evening of 3rd May 2007 while on holiday with her parents in the Algarve region of Portugal. Madeleine, the British girl went missing few days before her fourth birthday and has still not yet found after a big search through the media. According to her parents Kate and Gerry McCann, they have left their three children in a ground floor bedroom unsupervised while they ate at a restaurant about 120 metres away. Kidnappers, paedophiles or what ever it may be, it is shocking.

For further details read Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban's "Sexual Abuse of Children and Sex Health Education".

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sexual abuse of children and teenagers are happening everywhere. The victims are suffering life long. Here I give you few of the worst incidents…

Case 1 – Arce Montes, a French national, aged 54 was recently guilty for the rape and murder in 1996 of Caroline Dickinson, an English girl, 13 years, at Pleine Fougeres in her school excursion in Brittany, France.

Few hours before this crime he attacked Kate Wrigley, 13 years, also from England 50 km from Pleine Fougeres. After Kate raised an alarm that woke up the other inmates in the hostel, he fled away. He has been convicted to serve a minimum of 20 years of the total sentence of 30 years without parole.

Case 2 – In Belgium’s trial of the century, Marc Dutroux was convicted for the kidnapping, rape and murder of six girls between the ages of eight and nineteen during 1995-98. Once, an eight year old girl was raped and left to die in a dungeon. He admitted the murder of two other young girls, hid their bodies in the family freezer and later buried them in his garden. He has a very long criminal record and ironically, when the police raided his house in 1995, they heard the voices of the children but could not trace their source. There were speculations that Dutroux was not acting alone and was a part of paedophilic group consisting of influential people. The names of a former Prime Minister, a member of a royal family, police officers and businessmen are mentioned in this regard.

Marc Dutroux was sentenced only 13 years of imprisonment. Dutroux enjoyed the benefit of parole within three years of beginning his 13 year jail term. He also escaped from custody while being transferred from one prison to another and this is the most uncomplimentary to the Belgian authorities.

For further details read Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban’s “Sexual Abuse of Children and Sexual Health Education”

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Republic of Singapore

Singapore is lying 137 km north of the equator, south of Malaysia and north of Riau Islands of Indonesia. Singapore is a small state with 710, 2 sq km and is only bigger than Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City.

Tamasek is the earliest known reference to present Singapore and was an early settlement of people who had trading relations with China. Then came it under the control of Sumatra based Srivijaya Empire. One of the Srivijaya leaders thought that he saw a lion during a thunderstorm and so the name “Singapura” or “the City of the Lion”. In the 16th century Singapore came to the Sultan of Johur and was under the control of it until the British came.

Sir Stamford Raffles from the East Indian Company landed in Singapore on 29th January 1819 and signed a treaty with the Sultan of Johur to develop the island as a port for trade. In 1867 it became officially a part of the British Empire. It was William Farquhar, the administrator of Singapore who made it a strategic business and commercial centre.

In 1963, Singapore joined the Malaysian Federation and two years later it was expelled when the Prime Minister Lee Yuan Kew refused to allow special economic privileges for the Malays. Lee declared Singapore as a sovereign state on 9th August 1965.

Today Singapore is one of the most prosperous countries in the world with a per capita income which is on par with or better than many Western countries. It has the 4th rank according to IMF in 2008 next to Qatar, Luxembourg and Norway per capita. It remains a prominent and rich economic and commercial centre of the world.

Sethu Samudram Project

Ramar Bridge or Ram Setu or Adam’s Bridge starts as a chain of shoals from the Dhanuskodi tip of Rameshwaram Island and ends at Mannar Island, Sri Lanka. Whoever may have the right, important is we should not disturb the ecology and the unique flora and fauna of this area. We have to dig a canal starting from well below Kilakarai to well above Devipattinam.

Setu Samudram shipping canal project has been approved by the Government of India. We change only the route and get the benefit for the emerging Super Power India.

A rich and welfare state in and around Rameswaram Island will be golden eggs laying duck for India in all the ways. It will be then accepted everybody and is good for India. It is good to be convinced with knowledge, but there is no evolution without further thinking and accepting the reality.

I would say both, the people for and against the Ramar Bridge are good and make a full stop to their controversies here. All Indians must take the responsibility to do something to make this dream true.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

While the disappearance and sexual exploitation or sexual abuses of children are alarming problems in our world, even today no clear data are available on their extent. Parental abductions, runaways, criminal abductions and lost or injured or otherwise missing children come in this group.

Every year millions of children and teenagers go missing; most of them are female. Many come back, some are found murdered and many are gone forever.

According to the United States Department of Justice, the number of missing persons in the USA reported to law enforcement in 2000 was nearly 9 lakhs and today it is even higher. 49% of the children are kidnapped by a relative, 27% by an acquaintance and 24% by a stranger.

The recent data shows that there are 140,000 cases of missing children annually in UK which means 383 new cases per day and in Belgium it is 8 new cases per day. UK and Belgium have 61 and 10.5 million populations respectively and India has 1150 million and the problem is correspondingly big.

In the case of kidnapping done by relatives of the child in question, the reasons may be partner, property or sexual abuse problems. In kidnappings by acquaintances, the largest percentile is teenage females, and it is more often associated with sexual and physical assault. It has the highest percentage of injured victims. In kidnappings by strangers, teenagers and school-age children are the victims, but more female victims than males. The sexual assaults are associated mostly with females and robberies are most often with males.

The number of missing children in Canada in 2002 was nearly 66,000.

In Australia approximately 30,000 persons go missing every year.

In most countries, like in India, there are no statistics about the missing children but, in all the countries children and teenagers go missing. Some may run away from their homes, some are abducted due to family quarrels, but many for sexual abuse, particularly for prostitution.

The number of children forced into prostitution in Brazil is between 2,5 lakhs and 5 lakhs and it may be up to 20 lakhs according to other sources. In the mining regions of the North Brazilian Amazon basin, the situation for the children and teenagers is at its worst. But, Brazil is not the worst in this and it comes only next to Thailand where local and tourism factors play a vital role. It is also a big problem in Africa, but willingly done by the girls and the family to get presents from the far more elder men.

Since 2004, more than 6,270 teenagers have been reported missing in Malaysia and out of these 4,620 are teenage girls. According to police statistics, 71 girls are found dead in 2005 and another 71 female bodies are found in 2006.

In India, there are no statistics about missing children and teenagers, and the number may be very high compared to other countries. There have been innumerable cases of infants, toddlers and teenagers who just disappeared one day and were never heard from again.

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Chapter 8

Raman got up very late next morning and went to the hall. Geetha was sitting there with her grandmother and said good morning to him.
“It is going to be 9 a.m. and what is your programme?” she asked.
“I make myself ready, we drink coffee and after that we go to Sri Meenakshiamman Temple, all of us including grandmother”, he answered. They were inside the temple for more than two hours and Geetha was absolutely happy.

When they reached home, the post man came with a telegram.
“Ms. A. Geetha”, asked the postman. She went and took the telegram and with shivering hands she opened it and saw only one word in it, CONGRATULATIONS. It was from her Papa and her parents blessed her and she felt the blissfulness in every part of her body.

“What is it”, asked the grandmother.
“It’s from papa” was her casual answer.

Geetha and Raman talked about their studies and their wishes and aims in their life and both were grateful to Singapore. It was 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. he has to leave to the railway station.

“Would you like to have your own Singapore?” he asked her.
“If you present me one during my life time, why not?” she replied. He opened his suit case and took the papers and gave to her.
“Here is your Singapore, read it carefully and till you finish reading it don’t ask any questions”, he said.
She remembered his writing on that morning in Chennai and started to read. In the first page she could read only “dedicated to Geetha” and she started reading. He has written some 20 pages and she took two hours to read, understand and enjoy this paper.

“Send this to our former President Dr. Kalam, he is from Ramanathapuram, his house is in Rameswaram and surely he will help”, she said in a soft tone.
“Not only our former President Dr. Kalam, but all the Indians living in this earth should be for this”, was his reply.

“The canal should be named after Mahatma Gandhi,” the voice of Geetha and Raman came at the same time. Their endless joy is to be seen clearly from their young, beautiful faces.

Geetha got up slowly, went to Raman, hugged him and whispered him, “I love you”. Raman felt the warmth of her breath and body and replied “I too love you and Ramar Island is my present to you. It will be a symbol of our love forever”.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chapter 7

It was 7 a.m. in the morning Geetha was ready, but Raman was sleeping still or dreaming and his smile was also still in his lips. She took her pillow and with that she touched his nose. He opened his eyes and in front of him he saw the beautiful face of Geetha.
“The hotel has got your ticket and at 11:30 a.m. we must fly to Madurai” she said.
He looked at her and said “Good morning, Geetha, go for the breakfast alone and I have to finish some important work”, he told.
“Is it more important than me?” asked she and he nodded. She was disappointed but without telling a word she left the room.

“She is angry”, he thought, “but I could explain her everything tomorrow”, he consoled himself.

As Geetha went to the breakfast room she could not understand why he was not interested to take the breakfast with her. The men had always important work if they wanted to avoid something. Raman was no exception, she thought.

Raman took the paper from his suit case and started to write about his dream. He wanted to write every small detail on the paper and was afraid whether he could forget something. He was writing and writing and suddenly Geetha was standing in front of him.
“What are you writing?” she asked.
“It’s just about something which I should not forget”, he replied.
“I want to see it now”, she whispered.
“No, you have to wait till tomorrow or day after tomorrow”, he replied with a smile. For the first time she was angry with him and without talking further she made her suit case ready for the journey. He finished his writing, put the papers in his suit case, closed and locked it very carefully and went to take the shower.

Raman did not take the breakfast on that day and she could not understand anything from his behaviour. The plane landed safely in Madurai Airport and they took a taxi to her grandmother. The grandmother was very happy to receive them and she had already the news from her son, Arunachalam. She was asking both something without a break.

After the meals Raman told Geetha that tomorrow morning he would like to go to Ramanathapuram and Rameswaram. It was an unexpected and pleasant surprise to her and she thought of the wonderful temple in Rameswaram. She agreed without hesitation. “Grandmother, come with us” she asked, but grandmother was not willing to travel the whole day.
“Make a good picnic with Raman and I prepare everything”, she told with an unexplainable smile in her lips.

Raman and Geetha started next day in a Taxi and the driver is from Kilakarai. “I know the whole area” said the driver, “what is your wish, sir?” he asked.
“We want to have a ride through Kilakarai, Muthupettai, Ramanathapuram, Mandapam, Irumeni, Panalkkulam, Devipattinam and finally to Pampan and Rameswaram, just want to look the area”, was his answer.
“Okay”, said the driver. Geetha had not understood all what he told and was asking to her why he wanted to see all these places? I could get the answer in course of the day or at least in the night when we have returned to Madurai. Everything looked like a mystery to her and in Raman she saw a miracle man who was planning something great or also not.

It was a good day and they sat in the car almost the whole day. It was a hard day and they have seen all the places, Raman ate his groundnut sweets, Geetha ate one banana, they drank two or three tender coconuts and the driver drank many teas.
“Now I have an idea, it is a wonderful place for a mighty country”, he said.
“What do you mean exactly and I don’t understand all these things”, she told.
“Wait for a day and then I explain you everything in detail”, he said casually. She had no other alternative than to wait. She could have scratched his face with her nails, but somehow or other she had no idea to hurt him.
“How could I scratch his handsome face?” she thought. Raman told the driver to go to Pampan first and then to Rameswaram Temple. They went till the car could go, it was almost empty and there were lot of scope to make the forests denser and what not he thought. It would be a deserving place to become Ramar Island which he has already dedicated to Geetha. He did not want to tell her about this in Rameswaram and Madurai could be the best place to tell, he decided. I would tell her before I go to the railway station.

“It seems you know everything, tell me about Rameswaram”, Geetha asked him.
He looked at her with a sweet smile and started, “Rameswaram is the place where Lord Rama built a bridge across the sea to rescue his wife Sita from Ravana. Here Rama worshipped Lord Shiva to wipe away the sin of killing Lanka’s Ravana. All the Hindus visit this pilgrimage and it is known as the Varanasi of the South. A pilgrimage to Banaras is incomplete without a pilgrimage to Rameshwaram. It is an island in the Gulf of Mannar at the tip of the Indian peninsula” Raman told.

Geetha looked at him in astonishment and admired his knowledge, but could not get any words to praise him.
“Are you dreaming”, he asked.
“No”, was her reply, “I thought you only dreamt hours together last night and I have observed you more than five hours”.
“Aha”, he said and was silent.

“Could you tell me about the God here”, she asked him.
He smiled at her,” The main deity is the Linga of Sri Ranganatha which is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas of India”.
“You are great”, she shouted at him, “I could marry you immediately if you ask for that”. Her face was completely red now and she turned it away from him. The Rameshwaram temple has come before he could answer. The new gopuram was mighty to look. There were people from all over India and all are busy in their work, mainly looking the temple or taking the holy bath or doing some puja. His dream city could come there which could also make India stronger in all respects, he thought. In the World Map it could get such a place that everybody wants to visit India’s Ramar Island and he was very proud now.

He was awake when he heard Geetha’s voice once again. “If you stand like this people will think that you are one of the Gods of Rameswaram”, said she in a sweet voice, “Shall we go inside now?”

He starred at her for a long time and replied in a completely different voice, “The time has not yet come for us to enter this temple, we go now, come later in our life here and at that time you can go inside”.
She has not understood what he meant and wanted to wait till tomorrow to get all details. “If I haven’t known him well in these days I could have thought that he is mad”, she thought.
She agreed, but she was hungry and they decided to eat somewhere. When they reached Madurai it was after 10 p.m. and the grandmother was happy to receive them once again. They answered all her questions and finally it was midnight when he entered the guest room. Lying in his bed, he thought about the past seven or eight days. My life could not be the same as before, he thought. But, to get Geetha as his wife he was prepared even to eat a dead rat, he thought and laughed. What to tell, when to tell or how to tell her was the biggest unsolved problem for him. This night he had no dream and he slept well.

“Tomorrow will be the important day in my life, he loves me, but he is shy”, thought she in her room and she had no patience to wait. It was a disturbed night for her once again. If he could not open his mouth I could take the initiative first, she liked this idea very much and slept well. It was 4 a.m.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Translated from German

Frankfurt/Main (AP) the Federal Office for Environment Protection (UBA) warns in a new study of possible health dangers from products, which are manufactured with nano-technology. Affected are among other things food, articles of clothing and cosmetics. In the published investigation on Wednesday the UBA recommends to avoid products with the tiny particles as for a long time as “their effects in the environment and on the human health is still to a large extent unknown”.

Besides the authority in Dessau Roßlau requests the policy makers to create legal basic conditions for safe handling nano-materials. It demands a marking obligation and a population register for products with nano-particles. According to the report more than 800 enterprises would be affected in Germany, which are active in the nano-technology.
The technology is among other things applied, in order to restrain into textiles the growth of bacteria and thus to prevent or suppress bad smell or used in sun creams to stop UV rays hold and to prevent the formation of a grey veil in the chocolates. Nano-technically optimized plastics can lower the weight with cars or airplanes and help thus to save fuel.
“With the development of Nano-technology new products and applications increasingly become significant”, explains the authority. In the market come a rapidly growing number of products, which probably positively influence the “environment and economy”. But the effects of the nano-materials in the environment and possible health risks for humans are still insufficiently investigated. Nano-particles with increasing application were spread nevertheless increased in ground, water and air.
Particles released produced pneumonia in rats
The respiratory system is probably the most important way for nano-particles to enter inside the body, which are not visible with the naked eye. This is proved by scientific studies would be present, it was said. Therefore the particles could penetrate deep into the lungs and cause inflammations there. In the animal experiment with rats the particles damaged DNA. Besides it is reported that nano-particles from carbon can cause illnesses, which are similar to those from asbestos fibers with animals.
From food nano-particle can enter into the gastro-intestinal tract. The few available studies refer according to data of the authority a very small amount can be absorbed through the skin into the body. The UBA explains however: “Intact healthy skin is obviously an effective barrier to titanium dioxide nano-particles.”
The experts of the UBA regard it “urgently required” as to recognize and evaluate health risks of the nano-technology. The manufacturers would have to reveal in addition their results for risk evaluation. If the possible risks can be identified and minimized, the Federal Office for Environment Protection supports the promotion of the nano-technology in applications which reduce environmental pollutions.

Associated Press

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Alcohol is a social drug. Millions are addicted to it and thousands of families are spoiled. Social drinking is good, but some one must teach the people what social drinking is.

Is alcohol necessary for our metabolism?

It is a good question; alcohol is not at all necessary for our metabolism, it is a drug, a social drug that is all. With extra taxes in the Western countries, other form of tax income in emerging and developing countries, the industry, the government and the black market people are the one who benefit out of this. The extreme taxes for the alcoholic beverages are in the Scandinavian countries to avoid people to buy it, but there the consumption is extremely big because of their climate and the longest winter nights. If you do not like it, you are the luckiest one and it is damn cheap as well as very healthy for you and your whole family.

Do you drink, if yes, why?

I do drink now and then in my house or when we visit our friends or we go out to dinner parties, one or two glasses of dry red wine only, all the other alcoholic beverages I do not like. I have no problems to answer this question.

What is alcohol?

The particular alcohol present in our alcoholic beverages is ethanol which is normally called alcohol, the name of the whole group.

What are the effects if you take in small amounts?

Although alcohol is a depressant, small quantities make you happily relaxed, but in large quantities most of them lose their inhibitions completely and bring not only health problems to them but also many other problems to their families and the society.

Does it make you addict?

Although alcohol is legal, it is a strong drug in high amounts and makes one addict. In low amounts of consumption it is fun, but sometimes one has no control to stop the increasing amounts and thus the addiction. This addiction is in many countries recognized as a sickness and the addicts get the benefit of health insurance with all their rehabilitation and other programmes.

Is drinking alcohol harming my health now, or will it be harmful later in my life?

If you drink a safe and healthy amount, it is good for your health, but too much is harmful in your social as well as family life but also a big risk factor for your health. Hundreds of millions of people in our world irrespective of their social status and intelligence are alcoholics.

What is the safe pattern of drinking?

180 ml wine or 500 ml beer or one to two drinks for a man in a day and 150 ml wine or 300 ml beer or one drink for a woman, if she likes only and do not forget, social drinking does not mean that you must drink every day. Nowadays, alcohol free-beers are there which taste exactly like the normal beer, but it can contain up to 0.5% of alcohol that means it is also strictly prohibited to dry alcoholics and children.

You can drink red wine-water equally mixed like the French do or half beer and half Lemon juice, like the German drink as Alsterwasser. All these methods reduce the amount of alcohol in your beverages.

What are the side effects of alcohol?

Increased relaxation, sociability and reducing inhibitions are the initial effects. You feel well and want more and more to drink which leads to loss of control, dizziness, blurred vision, sickness and even unconsciousness. The worst problem comes in the next morning, the hangovers. Alcohol slows reaction times, so driving, bicycling and operating machinery may be dangerous. Your rational thinking is gone and you may take risky decisions. Domestic violence and other crimes are the social problems and the loss of inhibitions makes you aggressive, the result is problems with wife and children. Your inhibition to sexual violence is also mostly lost.

What are the health effects of alcohol?

Alcohol in low amounts can reduce the blood pressure because of the dilation of blood vessels, but the good effect turns negative if you drink more.

Increased weight, more alcohol intake and almost no physical activity increases the weight and the problems connected to it, high blood pressure, may be diabetes also.

Memory loss occurs after consumption of large amount and long term use can cause heart diseases, stomach cancer and liver damage.

Alcohol reduces the sensitivity to pain and it causes dehydration and taking it with ecstasy is very dangerous to health.

Is alcohol in cold winter useful or bad for our health?

The dilated vessels from alcohol consumption are near to the skin surface and the body loses heat to the environment. Do not give alcohol to warm up, one will feel warm but the body cools down actually. That means warm winter cloths are necessary to protect your whole body.

Alcohol with other drugs, is it dangerous?

Yes, alcohol with other drugs which are depressants like heroin, valium will increase the potential of each drug, thus drastically increasing the cumulative adverse effects. Alcohol and flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) is deadly as well as a date-rape combination.

Alcohol with Paracetamol spoils the liver and tens of lakhs are dying every year with this combination.

Alcohol consumption and driving, what is your opinion?

If you take alcohol, do not drive your car, it is dangerous not only for you but also for others. Whatever and how much you drink, per hour only 0.1 per mille will be excreted and here all are same, man, woman, young, old, white, black, brown or yellow races. Our reaction time is normally much higher, after alcohol consumption even if you have a low level of 0.30 per mille in your blood, your reaction time is affected drastically and accidents from your car could be considered as 100% your mistake in the court of law and you have to pay the victims life-long.

Many countries have 0.00 per mille for driving and others have 0.50 per mille limit, this to reach a glass of wine or beer or 1 or 2 drinks enough. Here there is no superman or superwoman and all the other theories and stories are not true.

Do not forget, as a host you have got the responsibility if you serve alcoholic beverages in your parties, in home or in the hotels, that you should not allow the person to drive his car to go to his house, if necessary, you have to snatch his car keys and send him in a taxi to his house. Otherwise, his problem, if there is an accident, may become also partly a problem of yours.

Are women become more quickly drunk than men?

Yes, it is; they absorb the alcohol quickly and alcohol reaches also swiftly to their brain and it is better to be very careful. It is also excreted slowly than men. Never drink the amount of a man. You must know your limit just above your individual lower level, this amount, with this enjoyment, is the social drinking. Above that, you blame yourself and spoil your health and wealth also.

Does pregnant woman drink alcohol?

It is better if she does not drink. But in Western countries some regular user could not stop it, it is better to drink 100 ml wine or 200 ml beer but nothing more. It is important to note that the total alcohol amount should be only within the range of 8 to 12 grams of pure alcohol, one or two times a week, more than that spoil the health of the child. I would like to say that in Western countries there are women who stop drinking immediately if they know they are pregnant. In India where social drinking in women is so low alcohol must be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Young men boast, consumption of more alcohol shows their strength, is it correct?

I can only laugh, if you remember your earlier questions and my answers, you know that and I think this remark came after alcohol consumption, thereby with the loss of inhibition. I have seen so many people and their fates are so bad, I do not even wish my best enemy to suffer like this. Most of these persons have inferiority complex which they would like to hide with their habits, like drinking, abusing drugs or also driving costly cars. There are enough persons who utilize this to enjoy their life at others cost, but we should not forget; sometimes we have to pay for this joy heavily like diseases or sexual assault.

Are there any recommended amounts of intake for men and women?

Yes, there are some, but each individual must take this only as a recommended amount and find out the correct amount by himself. One to two units for women and two to three units for men a day is the recommended one for social drinking and it is not a must everyday. Three to four days in a week for men and two to three days for the women a week are the maximum and the rest days are alcohol free.

Almost all the good beer companies offer alcohol free beers, this taste exactly like the original beer, the alcohol content of these alcohol free-beers must be below 0.5% and you can consume this without any problem. There are alcohol free wines and champagne and this is good to drink, as you see there are possibilities to enjoy life, without alcohol.

What is a unit which in mostly written in connection with alcohol drinks?

One unit is 8 grams of pure alcohol, is one small glass of wine or a small glass of beer or one small glass of champagne or approximately 20 ml of other liquors which have 36% to 42% of alcohol. I give you as eight grams so that you could calculate exactly how much you can take and it is simple because every bottle contains the volume in % on the label.

What is Alco-pops?

Alco pops are alcoholic drinks, very sweet with lot of sugar; the alcohol content is 8.5%, which are also in all possible colours to attract the youth. When this drink came to the market, my colleague brought this to my table and asked me to taste it, I tried and told that it is not my taste, but it will attract youths to use, so to say, misuse the alcohol, as it is sweet in taste and above all very cheap. The alcohol industry wants more new customers, youth buy it and go on drinking till they become unconscious because of excess alcohol in short time. The industries and government have to face much critic and finally they raised the value added tax very drastically so that it is not cheap for the youth. It has brought some good results, but this problem could not be eradicated. That is why we have to start our teachings and explanations to our children to know the dangers waiting in every corner for them.

Our young and coming generations must be taught how to drink properly to use the social drinking positively in their lives. Never make this as a taboo theme in your family. It is advisable to allow your child to taste if you drink alcoholic beverages in your house.

Has alcohol any nutritive value?

No. Except resveratrol and other polyphenols as essential non-nutrients, there are no nutritive values of alcoholic beverages, sugar and traces of vitamins and trace elements have of only minor values. The calories from alcohol are only empty calories which makes only you fatty, try to avoid as much as possible.

Binge drinking, what is this?

Youth who drink lot of alcohol in short time till they become unconscious, they are admitted in the hospital and the problems are, then, for everybody in the family. This is binge drinking in English or coma drinking in German.

30 thousand youths from both sexes, between 18 and 24 years old, are the victims of this brutal drinking in Germany and the industry, government, parents and school have equal share in this tragical development because the youth have not enough possibilities to spend their time usefully, parents also have no time, the tension from the schools are high and the industry wants only more and quick profit without any moral values, the result is this unnecessary, adverse and unhealthy effect to our youngsters who are the future of our society.

The brains are affected very often and this is not a fun. The worst health effect is uptake of urine and its waste from the bladder back to our blood and the rupture of bladder in men and women with serious health problems. Binge drinking is most prevalent in USA, UK and in Germany. It is the important duty of our society to punish this profit mongering devils.

What are the evils of binge drinking?

Binge drinking is self destructive one which adds more problems like absenting from their work, ignoring their duties and responsibilities, wasting money, fighting with others or having risky sex that may lead to HIV infection.

Oh, very hard critic, could you tell me how can I drink more than normal?

You are putting such a question to me, today is my non-violence day and you are lucky. There are some tips and they belong to me only, smile.

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Chapter 6

Next morning he was ready at 7:30 a.m. and his flight was at 10 a.m. He would fly approximately 4 hrs to Chennai. He took a taxi and reached the Airport and he missed Geetha now very much. He thought that the last four days were the best days in his life. But it was over, he had her mail ID and cell number but the good days were over according to him. He had checked in and everywhere he saw only Geetha. His seat was in the middle of the plane; he sat and closed his eyes.

When Raman opened his eyes he was already above the clouds. The friendly Singapore Airlines Hostess laughed at him and gave him a piece of paper. He opened it and there were only four words, “come to me, Geetha”. The airhostess smiled at him and asked him to go the 10th row. He ran almost in the plane and found Geetha in the 10th row. He sat near her, took her hand in his and told that he was very happy now.
“I know another person who is happier than you”, she said pointing out her index finger towards her, “I wanted to fly with you and my loving father arranged this journey. We can talk a lot now because we have another 3-1/2 hours”, she said with a seductive smile in her lips. Now only he noticed that his hand was still holding her hand and removed quickly and she was only smiling.

Suddenly she asked him, “Do you like Taj Mahal?”
“Yes, it is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, moreover it is a symbol of love”, he replied.
“I agree with you, but Shahjahan might have done something great when Mumtaj was alive”, she said, “she has not seen the symbol of love. I want to get something wonderful when I am living from my husband and what is the use if I am not there,” she told.
“It’s a great idea and you will get it”, was his remark.
She looked at him with her big beautiful eyes and asked “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m 100% sure, wonder happens very rarely but sometimes it happens and you may be lucky”, was his dry reply.
She closed her eyes and enjoyed the presence of Raman near her. “He is mine or I’m sure I’m his”, thought her and opened her eyes. He was looking at her and his face was serious.

“Where are you going to stay in Chennai? Come to us and your flight is only tomorrow morning.” he said.
“No”, her reply was very firm, “I will come to your house, say hello to everybody and then we go to a good hotel and stay there”.
“What”, he shouted.
“Yes you told that a man and a woman could be good friends and they could also sleep in the same bed without disturbing each other” she said.
He shook his head and told, “it is not London or Paris, it is only Chennai and here we have to adhere the guidelines of our society. I have no problem, but I don’t want to spoil your name”.
“So, you men talk very bravely, but when it becomes serious, you withdraw”, she said little bit loudly. More than half an hour they were discussing about this and heard the announcement from the chief hostess that they were approaching Chennai and the landing would be in 30 min.
“I never thought that you would say this. I’m alone in Chennai and we are friends. I request you to stay with me in the hotel. Moreover, it is better if you accompany me also to Madurai till I reach my grandmother”.
For the first time in his life Raman had to take a decision. He looked at her very charmingly and told that he could do it without any problem. Geetha took both his hands and thanked him. The plane has already landed and they have not even noticed that.

Geetha and Raman took a taxi and went to a hotel and it was a five star luxury hotel. He has declared her as his wife to avoid problems and they went to the room. It is a very spacious room with all modern amenities for both. She was feeling well there. She entered inside the bathroom and he sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and thought about their conversation in the plane regarding Taj Mahal. He thought that Geetha was right and what was there to do for her in a grand manner which must also be unique in this world. He felt bad because what a great thing could he do for her in the name of love?

They went to Marina Beach, Kabalishwarar Koil and finally visited his parents.
“What are you doing here and we thought you were stuck up in Singapore” said his father.
“I am playing the role of a baby-sitter for this girl”, he pointed out her with a naughty smile. His mother looked at Geetha with an open mouth and said hello to her.
“Where did you get this beautiful girl?” asked his father, “now I know that baby sitting is such a good job”.
“Today we will stay in the hotel, tomorrow morning I fly with her to Madurai, bring her safely to her grandmother and come back. After that I explain everything to you, father”, he said in a soft voice. His father nodded.
“Why can’t you both stay here in the house? We have a guest room also” said his mother loudly.
“You know your son better than anybody, it is decided, it is booked and I explain you, mamma, everything when I come back”, he replied his mamma with a smile. With hesitation she told yes to her son.
“At least you both could eat here”, said the mother. “Mamma, time will come and then you could cook for us everyday”, he was laughing when he told that. The Okay came very slowly from her mouth.
“Did you ring your uncle?” asked his father.
“No, I do it later”, he replied.

Geetha and Raman reached the hotel, ate something, telephoned to her parents and his uncle. “Now I have to wear my nightie and sleep, have you got any problem with that”, she asked.
“No, make you comfortable”, replied he and went to the window to see the Chennai by night. When he turned she was already sleeping, he saw her beautiful slim body had a small curve and he took the nearby bed for him. He thought intensively once again about their talk regarding Taj Mahal. He wanted to do something great for Geetha, but what could he do? For the first time he hated his life. He slept and had a wonderful dream, a dream which he could dedicate to Geetha.

Raman used to read all the news and the political stunts about the Sethu Samudram project and he was for this project. Of course, as an Indian he was also for the Ramar Bridge. There must be a compromise so that both the parties were satisfied and at the same time it must have a real big impact on India. The alternative of a small canal around Ramar Bridge was a wit for him. It should be something good, marvellous and should be unique in the whole world. The interesting multicultural Singapore with its different facets came to his mind.
“I have the answer,” he shouted and his mind was working in a high speed. What he had seen in the past 5 days in Singapore ran before his eyes. There were so many superlatives- cleanliness, discipline, the peaceful co-existence of people from different cultures and religions and the super planning impressed him very much. “A new Singapore, a still better and different Singapore, in this area is the answer”, he thought. It was good for the emerging India and above all it was also good for Geetha because he could dedicate this idea to her and all the coming thousands of years her name would be there when people thought or read about this Indian Singapore were his thoughts.
“Why Indian Singapore, I would like to give a new name to this area which could be called Ramar Island. Yes, it will be an Island which solves all the problems about the Sethu Samudram project and brings good to India, the coming super power. It could be compared to Singapore and Hong Kong but it will be unique because it is in India” thought he. Although he had been never to this area he had a very good knowledge about the geography of Tamil Nadu.
“It is for Geetha, it is better than anything because she could see it during her life time” he thought.

Suddenly Geetha got up and sat in her bed. For a moment she did not know where she was. He saw Raman in the same bed and in his lips she saw the smile and thought that he was muttering something. Her ear went near his lips and to her pleasant surprise she heard her name only. It was more than three hours she was sitting near him and watching his face with wonderful and joyful expressions and numerous smiles. She got up and took the letter block and started writing.

Dear Papa,
I love him very much, you are the first one to know this and inform mamma also.

Another two hours went on and she was still sitting near him and wondering what was going on in his brain in these hours.

Raman thought of Kilakarai and Devipatinnam immediately. It is better to have the canal 3 km below Kilakarai to 3 km above Devipattinam. A canal which would be from near Kilakarai to near Devipattinam might be the solution.


He saw this island in front of his eyes. It is just below Kilakarai to just above Devipattinam. It would be a medium sized Island and would be called Ramar Island. What were the important places in this island, thought he. He had to think and remember, finally he got it; they could be Kilakarai, Muthupettai, Ramanathapuram, Mandapam, Irumeni, Panalkkulam and Devipattinam and like jewels with diamonds there will be Rameswaram and Pampan. The idea of Ramar Island was perfect now. It should be a duck that lays golden eggs for the emerging super power India thought Raman.

There were enough engineering experts in India and in the world who could finalize and finish this project. There were no mountains in this area and a straight canal is possible without big problems thought Raman. But, he was in a mood to dream further and a contour for this Ramar Island has formed in his mind. It should be clean, must have enough water and electricity and the best schools and universities. He had read about several temples in this area and all would profit out of that. He thought of the new harbour where Queen Mary II and other big tourist ships are regular guests. One side the water sports, the other side the fishing harbour and in the middle the commercial harbour. Extraordinary activities like in Monaco or in Florida will be the result.

The buildings in Ramar Island should not be very high and a maximum of five stories are enough he thought. In one corner he would like to make an artificial mountain, around 700 m high and wanted to plant numerous trees in the whole Island. It must be a green Island with blue sea he thought. Everything, museums, exhibitions and under water parks could only increase the attraction of this island. Here there were many experts who could plan this better than me, he thought. It must be a centre of sport, education, music, fine arts, media and culture where people should not give more importance to their normal struggles like caste or religion or race. Everybody had the right to worship as they like and the temples, mosques or the churches could celebrate their festivals in their own traditional way. But for a normal man his religion must be private one with his family and society. The ultimate preaching of all the religions was love and it should not only be accepted but also practised by everybody. Kilakarai is famous for its Muslim population and the churches had their places in these areas. It should be like a paradise. It should be a straight canal from below Kilakarai to above Devipattinam and this means good for the engineers, ships and for every body. We would have more advantages than Singapore, he thought, because of the backyard where we could put all the industries and other necessary infrastructure which could make the Ramar Island the perfect place in our earth.

Moreover, the ecology would not be disturbed and flora and fauna could be conserved for the coming generations. The natural environment could also be protected for ever.

Raman thought about the Queen Mary II and the other giant luxury ships. Tourists from these ships would be taken in the directions of Madurai, Cape Comerin, Velankanni, Nagore and Thanjavur. It would be a big boost to the local employment and also it could relax the tension to Chennai area. Ramar Island would be there, pure and sacred, but very near to all loving persons, he thought. A new planned big city with a good integration of the present places would take care of the modern aspects as well as the traditional side, he thought.

The coral reefs, the colourful fishes and the dancing dolphins could be protected always and these were big attractions. Krusadai Island would be the Mecca for all Zoology students in our world.

Our Indian coast is exactly 7517 km long. He wished in every 50 km a fishing as well as a sport and multipurpose commercial harbour. 3 to 4 fishermen together must get a free mechanized boat and every fishing village should get at least one trawler for deep sea fishing. The wind-energy parks in our seas and the desalination plants to produce drinking water would increase the quality and the standard of life of the Indians, he thought. In his concept, there were only winners.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What is food allergy?

Food allergy is an immune system response to a food that the body mistakenly identifies as harmful. Once the immune system decides that a particular food is harmful, it produces specific antibodies to it. When the individual eats this food next time, the body releases a large amount of histamines to protect the body. The allergy can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and skin.

What are the common foods that produce allergy?

Vegetables, fruits and meat could be allergic; there are foods which account for 90% of all food allergies. These are milk, egg, groundnut, tree nut (cashew, walnut etc.), shellfish, fish, Soya bean and wheat.

Approximately 30% of the world population is suffering from allergies.

Food allergy:

• Adults, approximately 1% to 2%

• Children, approximately 2% to 8%

• In adolescence they come down approximately to 2%

• Allergies of our breathing system together, approximately 20%

• Prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, approximately 10%
It is very important to know about the side effects of the medicines.

For further information please vide the book entitled ’The side effects of medicines’ by Dr. Kaniappan Padmanaban,

What is gluten allergy?

Gluten is a protein consisting of a mixture of glentelin and gliadin, present in cereal grains, especially wheat, rye and barley. Gluten-sensitive enteropathy is an auto-immune disease of the intestine.

• Oats may be tolerated in small amount if the allergy is not very serious.

• Milk and dairy products are not tolerated by those persons who develop lactose intolerance frequently.

What are the foods recommended to a person who has gluten allergy?

The recommended foods include:

• Gluten free grains, breads, cereals, pastas

• Rice, corn, fermented soy, arrowroot, potato, and tapioca-containing products are all allowed.

• Breads may contain flour prepared from white or brown rice, potato, tapioca, arrowroot, pea, corn or bean.

• Cereals include those from corn meal, buckwheat, puffed rice and crisp rice.

• Pasta made of rice, corn and beans.

• Quinoa and Amaranth

• Malt or malt flavouring derived specifically from corn.

• Vegetables and Fruits

• Meats

Dairy Products:

• Aged hard cheeses pasteurized and processed cheeses including cottage cheese and cream cheese, and ice cream are free of gluten stabilizers. Most children tolerate little milk sugar containing milk and yogurt soon after starting a gluten-free diet.

Salad dressings, condiments and additives:

• Many salad dressings, condiments and additives are gluten-free, although there are a number that do contain gluten or wheat derivatives. Please read labels carefully. Apple, wine and rice vinegars are generally acceptable. If you are not sure do not eat it.

Drinks and Juices:

• Very few non-alcoholic drinks include gluten, do not drink unknown juices.

• Freshly brewed coffee, tea, chocolate made of powdered cocoa, carbonated drinks, and juices extracted from fresh fruits are preferred.

What foods must be avoided?

The foods not allowed include:

• Grains, Breads, Cereals, Pastas that contain a high proportion of gluten

• Anything made with wheat, barley, rye and oats. Breads or cereals containing wheat starch have small amount of gluten; as do cereals and crackers containing wheat and oat bran, graham and wheat germ. Cereals or breads containing malt flavouring of unspecified origin, regular spaghetti, macaroni, and wheat noodles contain gluten.

• Packed rice mixes contain gluten.

• Vegetables and Fruits – always find which one is good to you, avoid others

• Stay away from products containing thickening agents that utilize food starches and stabilizers with gluten. Thickening agents often contain wheat flour and are found in products like fruit pie fillings.

• Meats - prepared meats include luncheon meats, sausages, and canned meats containing grain and starch fillers with gluten.

• Even in freshly minced meat additives are used with gluten and it can be everywhere.

• Dairy Products:
cheese foods include spreads, soft cheeses, and dips often contain gluten.

• Some ice creams can contain gluten stabilizers. If there is no label or if you are not sure, avoid it.

• Salad dressings: These contain grain vinegars including distilled white vinegar if the type of vinegar is not stated. Some contain emulsifiers and stabilizers with gluten.

• Drinks and Juices:

Some brands of flavoured coffee, herbal tea, and instant cocoa mixes, including malted milk. Grain-derived drinks including ovaltine.

• Spices and additives

• Most soy sauces contain gluten

• Soups or broths containing bouillon, unspecified texturized or hydrolyzed vegetable protein, vegetable gum from oats and any other product containing an unspecified flour or cereal, barley malt, wheat starch and caramel candy may contain gluten.

Other potential harmful ingredients are as follows:

• Modified food starch
• Unidentified starch
• Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
• Texturized vegetable protein
• Binders, fillers and extenders
• Natural flavourings

What is the truth about gluten und medicines?

If a medicine is not declared ‘gluten free’ on its label, it can be dangerous.

In prescription and over-the-counter drugs, fillers or inactive ingredients or excipients are added to the active drug. These provide shape and bulk for tablets and capsules so that you think are worth for your money. They can be from any starch source such as potatoes, tapioca, wheat and corn.

What about bakery products?

If a bakery product is not declared ‘gluten free’, it is dangerous. Here also it is used to keep up the form of cakes and other baked biscuits. You must be careful always. It is not different in processed foods.

What are the symptoms of food allergy?

The common symptoms include:

• Swelling of the throat and tongue, difficulty in breathing
• Abdominal cramps
• Vomiting,
• Diarrhoea,
• Low blood pressure,
• Loss of consciousness and death.

The symptoms appear within minutes to two hours. But in extreme cases, it could be more than two hours.

What is the treatment for food allergy?

One must avoid these foods very strictly and eat no unknown food from any source.

Is there any medicine for food allergies?

Adrenaline is the medicine of choice to control the reaction and thereby the symptoms. There are no medicines to cure food allergies currently. As told, strict avoidance is the only way to prevent food allergies. You must go for a counselling to know healthy foods for you. It is possible to manage your life as usual. Antihistaminic drugs are also here useful.

Is it possible to find food allergies in blood?

Yes, it is possible to find the allergic food by conducting the blood test.

Is it possible to have allergy-free diet?

It is easy to find out but very time consuming. Food can stay in body for a period of maximum four days. So eat some of your favourite food and wait for four days and if there are no symptoms, this food is good. During this time you should not eat any known allergic food. Like this you can test all your food and have a big collection of allergy-free food. It takes time, but improves your life quality.

Everything is possible if you have the will.

Read Dr. K. Padmanaban’s “Food and our Health – Facts and Misconceptions”.

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Apart from allergies there can be some severe complications and they are:

Acute sinusitis – sinuses are the air filled hollow cavities around the nose and nasal passages, when inflamed, fluid may accumulate and interfere with the normal drainage of mucus in the sinuses and this is called as an acute sinusitis.

The symptoms are difficulty in breathing, pain, headache, fever, cough and swelling of the eyes and face. Although bacteria and allergies may be the reason, common cold virus is the most frequent reason for this condition.

The therapies can be from antibiotics to corticosteroids for acute inflammation.

Most of the symptoms are vanished shortly, if the symptoms last less than four weeks, it is considered acute.

Chronic sinusitis – In most of the cases sinusitis are acute, they disappear in less than four weeks. If this condition lasts more than four weeks or recurs, then it is a developed case of chronic sinusitis.

Dermatographia – it is a condition where the skin is over sensitive to light, scratching resulting in red lines there, it is not serious but may be uncomfortable. The symptoms are redness, itching and swelling. If they last long antihistamines and self-care measures can help to manage this skin problems.

Hives and angioedema – it is also known as urticaria in which batches of raised, red or white itchy wheals of various sizes appear and disappear on the skin.

Asthma – the relationship between allergies and asthma are very much interlinked.

Nasal polyps – small nasal polyps may usually cause few problems, but larger one can affect your breathing and your sense of smell is diminished. It is more common in persons above 40 years and also in adults and in children with asthma, chronic sinus infections, hay fever and cystic fibrosis.

Medications are the common treatment for small nasal polyps, but surgery is the choice to remove larger polyps.

Anaphylaxis – it is a dangerous and life-threatening allergic reaction and the common triggers are foods, insect venoms, latex and certain drugs. The allergic symptoms are watery eyes and a runny nose. Anaphylaxis floods many chemicals in the body which makes your blood pressure drop suddenly, difficulty in breathing, unconsciousness and death. This effect may be in seconds or in few minutes. It can be venom from bee sting or an ingested groundnut or a drug, like penicillin.

Fortunately, anaphylaxis is the least common allergic reaction and at the same time the doctors and the emergency centres could help you very quickly.

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