Monday, August 30, 2010

Der Versuch war 30 Tage zu pausieren - ich war neugierig, was wenn ich das Öl-Ziehen plötzlich stoppe?

Anfangs passierte nichts und ich war verwundert.

Zwei Wochen später hatte ich Halsschmerzen und ich bemerkte die Ankündigung für eine Erkältung. Das Problem begann am nächsten Morgen. Ich habe sofort das Öl-Ziehen durchgeführt. Trotzdem lief meine Nase am nächsten Tag. Ich nahm keine Medikamente und praktizierte weiterhin das Öl- Ziehen.

Meine Beobachtungen waren:

• Tag 1 - Halsschmerzen, ich begann das Öl-Ziehen
• Tag 2 - immer noch Halsschmerzen und meine Nase fing an zu laufen
• Tag 3 – Der Hals war viel besser und die Nase lief verlangsamt
• Tag 4 – Der Rachen war vollständig geheilt und die Nase lief nicht mehr. Ich war frei von meiner Erkältung

Alle Probleme im Zusammenhang mit meiner Erkältung waren verschwunden. Meine Rachenprobleme waren nur einige Tage zu beobachten. Obwohl meine Nase zwei Tage lief, war es nur etwas unangenehm. Ich war nicht müde und sofort wieder fit nachdem ich mich von der Erkältung erholt hatte. Ich hatte keine Kopfschmerzen, kein Husten oder keine übermäßige Tränen in meinen Augen. Meine Lungen war auch nicht in Mitleidenschaft gezogen worden. Da ich das Öl-Ziehen am selben Tag angefangen hatte, hatte ich weniger Probleme und ich konnte ohne Probleme schlucken.

Wenn Sie das nächste Mal das Gefühl haben eine Erkältung zu bekommen, können Sie versuchen, sofort das Öl-Ziehen zu beginnen. Informieren Sie mich über Ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen.

Eine Woche nach meiner Erkältung hatte ich Schmerzen am Zahnfleisch. Ich wartete noch einen Tag um den Bakterien Zeit zu geben, danach begann ich das Öl-Ziehen. Ich habe das Öl-Ziehen zwei Tage durchgeführt und die Zahnfleischentzündung war verschwunden. Ich konnte den Schmerz, eine weitere Infektion und einen Besuch bei meinem Zahnarzt vermeiden. Sie müssen immer daran denken, dass das Öl-Ziehen aus Sesamöl keine Nebenwirkungen hat.

Ich habe einige Personen, die Depressionen haben, gebeten das Öl-Ziehen auszuüben. Normalerweise sind depressive Menschen nicht in der Lage, die Mundhygiene aufrecht zu erhalten. Es gibt oft Zahnfleischentzündungen und dadurch verlieren viele sogar ihre Zähne. Mit einfachem Öl-Ziehen, können kann hier geholfen werden. Es gibt keinen Schmerz und keine große Kosten. Es ist wäre von Vorteil, wenn die Krankenkassen ihre Mitglieder über diese günstige aber sehr effektive Methode informieren würde.

Jetzt mache ich weiterhin das Öl- Ziehen. Ich werde Sie, wenn es weitere Erfahrungen und interessante Beobachtungen gibt, informieren. Sie können mir auch Ihre Erfahrungen mitteilen so dass wir vielen helfen können.

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I know it is not easy if you are not in the US. It is regulated well in United States of America. Once I checked with my friends in Germany and we have found 27 different glasses from thirty persons. In the US volume is used and in Europe the weight. There are fine differences in many countries and we have to inform us about this when we live there. I try to give you some idea here from the US guidelines.

Dry/Weight Measurements:

Ounces Pounds Metric
1/16 Tea Spoon a dash - - -
1/8 Tea Spoon or less a pinch or 6 drops - - .5 ml
1/4 Tea Spoon 15 drops - - 1 ml
1/2 Tea Spoon 30 drops - - 2 ml
1 Tea Spoon 1/3 tablespoon 1/6 ounce - 5 ml
3 Tea Spoon 1 tablespoon 1/2 ounce - 14 grams
1 tablespoon 3 teaspoons 1/2 ounce - 14 grams
2 tablespoons 1/8 cup 1 ounce - 28 grams
4 tablespoons 1/4 cup 2 ounces - 56.7 grams
5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon 1/3 cup 2.6 ounces - 75.6 grams
8 tablespoons 1/2 cup 4 ounces 1/4 pound 113 grams
10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons 2/3 cup 5.2 ounces - 151 grams
12 tablespoons 3/4 cup 6 ounces .375 pound 170 grams
16 tablespoons 1 cup 8 ounces .500 pound or 1/2 pound 225 grams
32 tablespoons 2 cups 16 ounces 1 pound 454 grams
64 tablespoons 4 cups or 1 quart 32 ounces 2 pound 907 grams

Liquid or Volume Measurements

jigger or measure 1.5 fluid ounces - 3 tablespoons 45 ml
1 cup 8 fluid ounces 1.2 pint 16 tablespoons 237 ml
2 cups 16 fluid ounces 1 pint 32 tablespoons 474 ml
4 cups 32 fluid ounces 1 quart 64 tablespoons .946 ml
2 pints 32 fluid ounces 1 quart 4 cups .964 ml
4 quarts 128 fluid ounces 1 gallon 16 cups 3.8 ltrs
8 quarts 256 fluid ounces or 1 peck 2 gallons 32 cups 7.5 ltrs
4 pecks one bushel - - -
dash less than 1/4 teaspoon - - -

In the case of butter 1 pound = 4 sticks or 4 cubes = 2 cups of butter
1 stick or cube of butter = ½ cup = 8 tablespoons of butter

The conversions are approximate and most have been rounded up or down to the nearest whole number. For example:

1 teaspoon = 4.929 milliliters, rounded up to 5 milliliters
1 ounce = 28.349 grams, rounded down to 28 grams

I hope you can understand and compare different measures easily. Have fun….

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

The 30 days interval! I was curious to know what would happen if I stop oil pulling suddenly. So I stopped it suddenly and was eagerly waiting to see what would happen. Nothing happened in the beginning and I was very much disappointed.

Two weeks later I had sore throat and I noticed the announcement for a cold. The problem started when I got up in the morning. I did immediately oil pulling; even then my nose was running next day. I did not take any medicines as usual and continued the oil pulling.

My observations were:

• Day 1 – sore throat; I started the oil pulling
• Day 2 – still sore throat and my nose started to run
• Day 3 – throat was far better and nose running was slowed down
• Day 4 – throat was completely cured. Nose was not running. I was free of cold

All the problems associated with the cold were not seen there. My throat was not sore for several days. Although my nose was running for two days it was only a small botheration. I was not tired and fit immediately after I recovered from the cold. No headache, no cough or no excessive tearing of the eyes. My lungs had no problems after the cold attack. Since I did the oil pulling on the same day the sore throat had not also given me much problem and I could swallow without any problem.

You can try this next time when you feel that you are going to get a cold. Inform me your valuable experience.

Three weeks have passed and I got little pain in my gum. I waited one more day to give more time for the microorganism and started the oil pulling. I did the oil pulling for two days and there was no pain in my gum. I could prevent the pain, further infection and a visit to my dentist. You must remember always that from sesame oil pulling you do not get any side effects.

I have asked some persons who have depression to do the oil pulling. Normally, the depressed people are not in a position to do the mouth hygiene in a good way. There are often gum infections and many even lose their teeth. With this simple oil pulling we can help them in a big way. There is no pain and no expenses. It is better the health insurances inform their members about this cheap but very effective method.

Now I continue the oil pulling. I will inform you if there are other good observations. You can inform me your experiences and we can try to help many.

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Mein letzter Bericht ist vom 27. Dezember 2009. Acht Monate sind nun vorbei und ich möchte mit Ihnen meine Erfahrungen teilen. Ich habe das Öl-Ziehen bis auf eine 30 Tägige Pause jeden Morgen gemacht, außerdem habe ich den Öl-Ziehen vielen meiner Freunde in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt empfohlen, um mehr Informationen aus erster Hand zu sammeln.

Die Gruppe enthält Personen, die an gesundheitlichen Problemen der Nebenhöhlen leiden. Ich habe ihnen gesagt, wie man das Öl-Ziehen ausführen sollte und das Sesamöl ihrer Wahl verwendet wird - nur wenige wollten Bio Sesamöl die andere verwenden reguläres Sesamöl. Anfangs gab es keine Verbesserungen. Ich habe sie gebeten, das Öl-Ziehen mindestens vier Monate lang täglich auszuüben. Positive Effekte konnten bei einigen nach 60 Tagen beobachtet werden. Bei den chronisch Kranken dauerte es bis zu 120 Tagen.

Aus den Berichten von fast 30 Personen ist es interessant zu sehen, dass die benötige Zeit um positive Wirkungen erlangen Individuell ist. Es scheint mir, dass es zwei bis sechs Monate, bei Einzelfällen sogar länger, dauern kann. Trotzdem lohnt der Versuch, da wie wir alle wissen, dass Sesamöl keine Nebenwirkungen hat. Die positiven Auswirkungen können aufgrund der antibakteriellen Wirkung des Sesamöls erzeugt werden. Es sollte viel mehr Forschung in diesem Bereich betrieben werden.

Weiße Zähne, frischer Atem und ein infektionsfreier Mund und gesundes Zahnfleisch sind von allen gemeldet worden. Personen, die regelmäßig Zahnfleischentzündungen hatten, wurde große Erleichterungen zu teil. Wir kennen die gesundheitlichen Kosten für diese Probleme genau und es lohnt sich das Öl-Ziehen, um seine Vorteile für unsere Gesundheit zu erfahren, zu probieren. Versuchen Sie das Sesamöl-Ziehen und informieren Sie mich über Ihre Erfahrungen und Meinung.

Morgen werde ich berichten, was in den 30 Tagen passiert war in denen ich mit dem das Öl-Ziehen pausiert habe.

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My last report was on 27th December 2009. Eight months are gone and today I can share with you my further experiences. I did the oil pulling continuously with one break of 30 days to see the effects during this break. Moreover, I have recommended oil pulling to many of my friends in different parts of the world to collect more firsthand information.

The group contains persons who are suffering from sinus problems. I have told them how to do the oil pulling. The sesame oil used is according to their choice. Few want to use organic sesame oil and others prefer the sesame oil available in the market. There was no improvement in the beginning. I have asked them to do it at least for four months daily. The positive effects are seen after 60 days in many. But, the chronic sufferers felt relief only after 120 days.

From the report of almost 30 persons it is interesting to know that the time they need to get relief is individual. It seems one can get relief after two months or it may take even six months or more. It is worth to try as sesame oil has no side effects. The positive effects may be because of the antibacterial effect of the sesame oil. More research must be done in this field.

White teeth, fresh breath and infection-free mouth and gum are reported from all. Persons who had regular gum problems have got complete cure. We know the health cost of these problems and it is worth to try oil pulling to know its advantages for our health. Try this sesame oil pulling and inform me you experiences and opinion.

Tomorrow I will write you what happened during the 30 days when I stopped to do oil pulling.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Drogen sind Substanzen, die die Stimmung, das Gefühl und die Wahrnehmung beeinflussen können. Illegale Drogen sind durch das Betäubungsmittelgesetz reguliert. Die meisten illegalen Drogen haben ein sehr hohes Sucht- und Missbrauchspotential.

Die verschiedenen Gruppen sind:

• Aufputschmittel
• Halluzinogene
• Opiate
• Voll- und halbsynthetisch hergestellte illegalen Drogen
• Pilzdrogen


• Amphetamin
• Crack
• Ecstasy
• GHB (Gamma-Hydroxy-Buttersäure)
• Kokain
• Methamphetamin


• Cannabis, Marihuana, Haschisch
• DMT (Dimethyltryptamin)
• LSD (Lysergsäurediethylamid)
• Spice


• Heroin
• Opium

Voll- und halbsynthetisch hergestellte illegalen Drogen

• Amphetamine
• Benzodiazepine, z.B. Rohypnol, Valium
• Ecstasy (MDMA)
• Gamma-Butyrolacton (GBL)
• GHB (Gamma-Hydroxy-Buttersäure)
• Heroin
• Ketamin
• LSD (Lysergsäurediethylamid)
• Lösungsmittel
• N-Methamphetamin
• PCP (Phenylcyclohexylpiperidin)
• Poppers


• Fliegenpilz
• Kahlköpfe
• Risspilze

Sage immer „Nein“ zu den Drogen.

Legale Drogen wie Alkohol, Nikotin, Koffein und Medikamente werden mehr missbraucht als man denkt.

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Modafinil – the uses of modafinil include:

• To treat excessive daytime sleepiness
• To treat problems in breathing while asleep (sleep apnoea)
• To treat shift work disorder

All medicines can cause side effects, but many have no or minor side effects. If you have side effects consult with your doctor.

The side effects of modafinil include:

• Back pain
• Diarrhea
• Dizziness
• Headache
• Nausea
• Nervousness
• Stomach upset
• Stuffy nose
• Trouble in sleeping

The severe side effects include:

• Severe allergic reactions with rash, hives, itching, difficulty in breathing or swallowing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue or unusual hoarseness
• Abnormal thinking
• Chest pain
• Confusion
• Dark urine
• Fever, chills or sore throat
• Irregular heartbeat
• Anxiety, depression, exaggerated sense of well-being
• Hallucinations
• Mouth sore
• Mouth sores
• Red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin
• Shortness of breath
• Suicidal thoughts or actions
• Unusual bruising or bleeding
• Unusual weakness
• Yellowing of the skin or eyes
You must seek medical attention immediately if any of these severe side effects occur.

Warning: Drug Interactions – Modafinil can affect the enzyme activity in the liver. Thus it can decrease or increase the activity of enzymes in the liver which metabolize other drugs. The blood level of these medicines can be decreased or increased so that the drug can lose its effectiveness or can be accumulated in toxic levels. Therefore, you must contact your doctor; inform him about all your medication including oral contraceptives before taking modafinil.

Students and workers have been abusing stimulants for decades. At present Ritalin and modafinil are more effective than the previous drugs if you want to feel sharper and work for longer. It is purposely given to soldiers to keep them awake up to 7 days. Thus, the abuse of Ritalin and modafinil is becoming a major problem. They can make your work so interesting and you can become a workaholic.

The biggest problem is that the pharmaceutical companies are trying to bring medicines to the market which is meant for healthy persons to increase their efficiency to concentrate and work for almost the whole day. Their calculation is very simple. Even if it costs only few cents the sum is very huge when 4 billion persons are taking every day. Research papers are coming already on these topics. This is a very bad development in our world. These drugs can make us real slaves to our work one day if not properly or strictly guided by lawmakers.

A programmed human being is good for the industry to make more profit. Many dictators have tried to make us slaves without success, but these drugs are more dangerous than all these dictators together. It is in our hands to be happy and healthy without these mood enhancers.

Pregnant woman and lactating mothers must talk to their doctor before taking any drugs as there are almost no clinical studies with these groups.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We know well about the natural mood enhancers which are present in our body. They are serotonin and endorphins. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that promotes well being. Endorphins are the chemicals released during physical or mental stimulation that promote feelings of well being. There are mood enhancers from our food, herbs and chemicals.

The natural mood enhancers include:

• L-Theanine from green tea
• Chocolates with its small amount of phenylethylamine
• 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan, the precursor of serotonin from food
• GABA, gamma-Aminobutyric acid
• Extracts of St. John’s Wort
• Caffeine

These are very useful to enhance our mood. We all know the positive effects of green tea. The amount of chocolate and the amount of cocoa solids present plays a vital role. Chocolates more than 70% cocoa solids are the best. 5-Hydroxy Tryptophan tablets will not work to increase the amount of serotonin. GABA can relax our brain. St. John’s Wort is one of the most studied medicinal plants in our world. One or two cups of coffee are good in a day, but too much of caffeine is not good.

There are chemical mood enhancers which are used intensively in the world. They include:

• Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
• Modafinil (Provigil and others)

The uses of methylphenidate include:

• As a part to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
• To treat patients with narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness
• Certain cases of depression

Ritalin is a mild stimulant which works by affecting the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and nervous system. It is useful to increase attention, decrease impulsiveness and to decrease hyperactivity. This medication should not be used to treat simple fatigue symptoms.

The side effects of Ritalin include:
Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, nervousness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, headache, painful menstruation, difficulty in falling sleep or staying asleep, fast and irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, faintness, excessive tiredness, slow or difficult speech, numbness of an arm or leg, seizures, agitation, blurred vision, hallucination, abnormal thoughts, mood changes, depression, fever, hives, sore throat, unusual bleeding, joint or muscle pain, skin rashes, itching and difficulty in breathing or swallowing.

Methylphenidate may cause sudden death in children and teenagers with serious heart problems or heart defects. In adults heart attack or stroke with heart defects or serious heart problems can occur. Talk to your doctor about these problems, particularly the risk of this drug in medication.

Ritalin should be given cautiously to emotionally unstable persons, such as those with a history of alcoholism or drug dependence. These patients may increase the dosage on their own. Abuse of Ritalin can lead to marked tolerance and psychic dependence with abnormal behaviour.

Methylphenidate may slow children’s growth and can give problems in weight gain. Your child’s doctor must accompany you both during the whole therapy to take necessary action immediately when it is necessary. All the other forms are not serious and may be dangerous to your child’s health.

Methylphenidate should not be used in children under 6 years of age, since safety and efficacy in this age group have not been established.

Methylphenidate is a Schedule II drug under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances in all countries.

To be continued…

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One suffers a heart attack when blood flow to a section of heart muscles becomes blocked. The muscles are not getting oxygen and other nutrients. If the flow of blood is not restored quickly this section of heart muscle becomes damaged and begins to die. Heart attack is a leading killer in all Western countries and it is rapidly increasing in emerging countries also. But, today very good treatment is available to lead a good life. If the symptoms of heart attack are noticed the treatment must be started within one hour and this the most effective treatment. Even if there is a small doubt it is better to rush to your doctor or to a hospital. This has saved the life of many persons.

If you have a blocked artery or arteries you need a coronary artery bypass surgery which is also known as coronary artery heart bypass graft surgery. Veins or arteries from any part your body are grafted to the heart arteries to bypass the block or blocks to ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle. There are different techniques are available and your surgeon will select the right one for his patient.

A cardiac rehabilitation after bypass surgery gives the patients all the information necessary to change their food and lifestyle habits to reduce disability. It is the best way to prolong a good life further. In Germany, all persons who undergo a bypass surgery are sent for a cardiac rehabilitation immediately for three to four weeks. The physical activity is started next day. In USA only about 20% of the patients go for a cardiac rehabilitation. In India only a few have the chance for this important rehabilitation.

Regular exercises and an active sex life are essential not only for optimizing your quality of life but also to maintain cardiovascular health. Sexual intercourse is considered roughly equivalent to mild to moderate exercise or walking up a couple flights of stairs or walking 800 meters. If you cannot perform these activities without becoming tired or short of breath you must allow more time for your sexual activity. The general guidelines the most doctors give you include:

• Heart attack – should avoid sexual activity for two to six weeks
• Stent implant – should avoid sexual activity for one to two weeks
• Cardiac device implant – have to avoid sexual activity for a week
• Bypass surgery – the patient should wait till the chest incision to heal and this may take six to eight weeks
• Heart valve surgery – same as for bypass surgery.

Many feel nervous about resuming sexual activity after bypass surgery. Their partners are also mostly afraid. In the beginning use positions which limit pressure or weight on the breast bone. It is applicable to arms and chest also.

The important points to consider include:

• Talk openly with your partner
• Allow a gradual return of sexual activity as there is no superman or superwoman. Performance expectations must be realistic
• Rest and physical comforts are important before sex
• Sex has both physical and emotional aspects and so be caring, honest and loving to each other

50 to 75% persons after bypass surgery have sexual problems. Anxiety from either partner or the side effects of some medicines may/can interfere with sexual arousal or performance. The medicines which interfere with sexual libido include beta blockers, diuretics and many others. These difficulties must be discussed with your doctor to find a solution.

Depression, fears about triggering another heart or thoughts of dying are the common factors for many to make their lives difficult after a heart attack and bypass surgery. If there is continuous chest pain during intercourse, rapid heartbeat or difficulty in breathing which continues for 5 to 10 minutes to orgasm, feeling of extreme tiredness after orgasm and other difficulties you must report to your cardiologist immediately.

It is important to take the prescription medicines before you have sex. Every individual is different and in practice it is very interesting to observe that each react in a different way. Persons who have talked with their doctors after the bypass surgery about sex have less sexual activities compared to persons who have not talked about this with their doctors. It may be because they see the positive aspects of sex without unnecessary fears and have sex when they feel comfortable to do that.

Have lot of fun. It is your life and enjoy it…

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Erectile dysfunction is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Impotence is used as a general term for erectile dysfunction, lack of sexual desire, problems with ejaculation and orgasm. Erectile dysfunction is a taboo theme in our world. Several hundred million men have this problem. Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of a health condition which needs treatment and it may be heart disease or poorly controlled or not yet diagnosed diabetes. There may be psychological factors also for this problem.

The brain, nerves, muscles, blood vessels, hormones and emotions play a vital role in male’s sexual arousal and this process is very complex. Problems with any of these can cause erectile dysfunction. Physical and psychological problems can also cause erectile dysfunction or even worsen it.

The physical causes include:

• Low testosterone
• High blood pressure
• Clogged blood vessels
• Diabetes
• Heart disease
• Overweight and obesity
• Excess alcohol
• Smoking or other tobacco use
• Drugs abuse
• Many prescription medications
• Damage to nerves, arteries, smooth muscles and fibrous tissues
• Diseases like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, prostate cancer, Peyronie’s disease etc.
• Injuries or surgeries which affect the pelvic area and the spinal cord
• Prolonged bicycling

The psychological causes of erectile dysfunction include:

• Stress
• Fatigue
• Depression, anxiety or other mental diseases
• Relationship problems
• Poor communication with partner leading to misunderstandings and problems

Side effects of prescribed medicines can cause erectile dysfunction. More than 100 mostly used drugs have this side effect. These prescribed medicines include antidepressants, antihistamines, medicines to treat high blood pressure, pain killers or medicines to treat prostate cancer.

The illegal drugs like, amphetamines, party drugs, barbiturates, cocaine, cannabis, heroin and others can cause erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem which can cause an unsatisfactory sex life for the couple, marital or relationship problems, stress, anxiety and low self-esteem. Another big problem is the inability to get his wife pregnant.

Erectile Dysfunction is treatable at all ages.

If you have problems it is better to contact your family doctor and he can send you to a urology specialist. Physical examination, blood test, urine analysis, ultrasound and overnight erection test are the usual procedures to begin with.

The treatments must proceed from least to most invasive. Quitting smoking, avoiding excess alcohol, losing excess weight and increasing physical activity may help some men to regain sexual function. If erectile dysfunction is a side effect from your medicine consult with your doctor to change that medicine. This is possible with high blood pressure drugs.

The treatments include:

• Psychotherapy – is used to decrease or remove the anxiety associated with love making. Here the patient’s wife can help for the gradual development of intimacy and stimulation.
• Drug therapy – the drugs can be taken orally, injected directly into the penis or inserted into the urethra at the tip of the penis. We all know well about Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. The tablet can be taken an hour before sexual activity. These drugs enhance the effects of nitric oxide, a chemical which relaxes smooth muscles in the penis during sexual stimulation and allows increased blood flow. Only one tablet should be used in a day. All these have side effects and so the doctor must be consulted before taking. Persons using medicines to decrease blood pressure must be very careful, otherwise it can cause sudden drop in blood pressure which can be fatal. Testosterone, the male sex hormone is often ineffective and may cause liver damage. Many men achieve stronger erections by injecting drugs into the penis. These drugs widen the blood vessels, thus a good blood supply to penis. There is a system available to insert a pellet of alprostadil into the urethra and the erection begins within 8 to 10 minutes and may last 30 to 60 minutes. Intensive research is going on in this sector to develop better medicines.
• Vacuum Devices – mechanical vacuum devises can cause erection by creating a partial vacuum which draws more blood into the penis and expanding it.
• Surgery – very invasive, consult with your doctor.

Have more fun in your life with good knowledge in everything…

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

For decades I follow the attitudes towards premarital sex, homosexuality, masturbation and other sexual behaviors in many countries. These are present in different patterns and are different from culture to culture. In India we talk proudly about our tradition and culture. It is good, but we preach only for others what is good and what is not and the standards for us are mostly entirely different.

In almost all the developed countries premarital sex is allowed and practiced. For the families it is always a serious subject as the parents throughout the world think about the welfare of their children in the same way. I know families in the Western countries where the parents are very much worried about the teen sex and premarital sex. Parents are worried about the unwanted pregnancies and also about the sexually transmitted infections including HIV infection.

When we talk premarital sex many think that it is only about women. They consider it is normal for a man to have it. Interestingly, many women in India agree or tolerate this. They think one headache less. The men are happy, but spoil their health and the health of their wives and children with infections and other financial problems.

I have talked with one known man in India and he was arguing with me about the bad effects of premarital sex on family and society and about the unwanted pregnancy for several hours in a very fanatic way. In course of time I came in good contact with few women in his family. After few months they told me about the abortions what they had in their family from premarital sex. How to comment this?

It is better to talk about the premarital sex and other forms of sexual behaviors in an open way in the family so that the teens and the youth know about this clearly. Along with this you can inform them your traditional and cultural values. Do not mix the religions here as we know well our God’s enjoyed their love life very well.

Let me tell you how things happen in Western countries. In many countries the teens and young women can go to the doctor and get the information from him about contraceptives or sexual problems. Many teens got their first experience when a boy whom they like forced her to oral sex. This has a serious effect on that girl or young women. Many avoided men for a long time in their life; many accepted it with the fear to lose him and many did it to the end with joy. Many women around 17 or 18 say that they allow their boyfriend to have oral or anal sex to keep them with them as the competition is high.

The teens who take virgin pledge in USA are more vulnerable to pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Compared with other West European countries the prevalence of teen’s pregnancy and infections are more in USA.

What are the thoughts in Western countries about relationship and premarital sex? Things were entirely different till the birth or oral contraceptive pills in 1968. The moral standards were high for sex before that. Pregnancy outside the marriage was considered shame to the family and society. The oral contraceptive pills gave the women the freedom to experience and enjoy sex. That was the starting point of the downfall of men dominance. It is also a big question whether all the women are happy with this freedom!!!

Today majority of the Western women do masturbation from puberty. They learn it from their cousins, friends or from youth magazines. Thus they know well what sexual pleasure is compared to Asian women and they expect this from their partners. Here comes the first problem of strong men. Is it important to our theme? Yes, the knowledge of the sexual, psychological and physical aspects of love must be understood by men and women well to take their decisions in life, regarding their premarital sex life too.

We, in India, mostly close our eyes if some bad thing happens. We abuse children sexually and that also mostly in religious- and marriage functions. But when it comes to premarital sex suddenly all men are saints. This is why I wrote a book in 2009 “Sexual abuse of Children and Sex Health Education” (Aaron Verlag Publishers, Chennai, ISBN: 978-81-908673-0-6). This book is written to show that how the world exploits children in various forms sexually and how important sex health education is for a happy life.

The parents must be educated first and they must give the right information to their children in the appropriate stages in their life. Even today, after sex education in the school, many Western girls, women and men do not have adequate knowledge about their or partners body and the psychological aspects of thoughts of men and women sexually.

I must tell you some adverse effects of knowing about sex or other sexual behaviors from the social media. If a young woman suddenly hears from a man how he wants to enjoy her and what all she must do for him, for many girls and young women their healthy world collapses suddenly. Their dreams are entirely different about, love, tenderness and sex. For many it is a shock which affects their relationship with men in their whole life as sexual abuse.

The negative aspect of relationship or premarital sex is when the first boyfriend goes away or a relationship breaks many women fall in deep depression. Anti-depressive and psychiatric medicines are used to help them to come out from their shock. Many understand how hard life is, how important social guidelines are and few never learn.

India is a big country. The culture and tradition are different in many parts. South is different than North and East is different than West. The frontier regions have their own problems. The cosmopolitan cities are like in Western countries. In big cities many unskilled women workers become very quickly pregnant and the abortions are common. Abortion brings a deep scar in the mind of any woman.

There are women trafficking in our world in a brutal way and it is also practiced in India to supply teens and young women to the red-light areas or to the brothels. Families send their daughters and men send their wives with much pressure to earn money from this. There are even few who sell their daughter or wife for money. Everything is known and there are many ways to stop this, but we don’t do. Incest is also a problem everywhere in this world including India.

The rural India is different, but there live also only women and men. They have got their own problems and interestingly they solve in their own way. But mostly it is dictated on women.

In modern India the young women want to know more and more about relationship and sexuality. Men ask less because they are convinced to know everything better. In the pair-counseling it is very interesting to hear the argument of both men and women. Both have little knowledge and in the busy day sex becomes a routine for few minutes. After the counseling they are happy because they have found out that the wonderful time together can be longer. Many men understood for the first time that they have to satisfy their wife sexually and it is entirely different than their pleasure.

It is not necessary for a man to master “Kama Sutra” to satisfy his partner and it is too easy if knows how and what to do this. The couples who are happy in their bed room do lead a happy life always because they understand and listen better their partner.

My conclusion is, after thinking all the arguments, premarital sex can be practiced by men and women if they have the good knowledge. It is individual’s decision considering their circumstances including religion, tradition and custom to do it or not. I am very sick to hear that the men who had already sexually transmitted infections wish to marry only virgins. Equal rights are the best here.

It is absolutely necessary to be true to the wife and to the husband after marriage. Suspicion and jealous can kill love and life.

I hate the idea of single parents, woman or man since here the children suffer the most and these children have no great chances to come up in life. We need marriage; otherwise loneliness is the punishment for us to all our sins in this world.

I have no understanding to men who love their mothers and sisters, but treat their wife or girl friends like a slave or sex-machine.

For others who shout against this, if you point out one with your index finger three fingers are in your direction. So think before you throw the first stone.

In many countries premarital sex is a crime and the laws are always above the feelings and emotions. I hate honor-killings and the child marriage in some parts of Rajasthan with the hope that the girl will not love another man in her later years.

Condoms are very important in premarital sex as it can prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. On the other hand, I know many condom burst cases where women became pregnant. In case of sexually transmitted infection diagnosis, in Germany, the doctor has to inform the health department so that all persons who had sexual contact with this particular person could be checked for possible infections. It may bring problems to married men or women, but from the health point of view of the partner and children it must be regulated from the law-makers and health authorities.

I don’t advise oral contraceptive pills to teens and young women as these have many side effects. Do not forget, even in Western countries only 50% women take oral contraceptive pills. Others have problems or not willing to swallow chemicals regularly.

Here I don’t write any scientific article, but simple facts to understand, think, discuss, learn and to take decisions. All are welcome to ask questions or make their comments. Online counseling is also possible.

Premarital sex is the individual decision of a well informed young woman or man. What do you think? Do you agree?

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