Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

It is believed that viruses cause about 10 to 15% of cancers in our world. Cancers can’t be caught like an infection and viruses can only help to cause some cancers. Virus can cause genetic changes in cells which can lead to cancer. The risk is very low to get the cancer from the virus, but there are other factors which can play a vital role and they include:

• The strain of the virus
• The genes of the host
• Host’s lifestyle factors including smoking, alcohol and food
• Immunosuppression caused by malnutrition or HIV infection or AIDS

The viruses are linked to the following cancers and they include:

• Human Papilloma virus (HPV) – cervical cancer and other cancers of the genital and anal area. May lead to oropharyngeal cancer and non melanoma skin cancers in some persons.
• Hepatitis B and C viruses – primary liver cancer
• Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – lymphomas
• T cell leukaemia virus – T cell leukaemia

There are many cases where the viral infection doesn’t lead to cancer. There is primary liver cancer or T cell leukaemia in people without corresponding viral infection.

Bacterial infections haven’t been thought of as cancer producing agents for a long time. Now we know well that helicobacter pylori can cause stomach cancer. Without knowing their exact role, few of the bacteria are associated with different cancers and they include:

• Salmonella typhi – gallbladder cancer
• Streptococcus bovis – colorectal cancer
• Chlamydia pneumonia – lung cancer
• Mycoplasma – different cancers

Research is going on to know more about the role of viruses and bacteria in cancer. It is in our hands to minimize the risks. A healthy lifestyle is always important. Safe-sex is also important to prevent infections. It is important to go to your doctor if you have any symptoms of viral or bacterial infection.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

It is a good question. I’m getting more enquiries about this at present and it is mostly from young people. There is no relationship between age and high blood pressure. I have seen persons who have the history of high blood pressure in their family have even mastered to live with normal blood pressure in old ages too. Unfortunately very young people do get high blood pressure now-a-days.

You must avoid these risks to avoid high blood pressure and they include:

• Overweight
• Smoking and other tobacco products
• Excess alcohol
• Stress

If you have these risks you can have high blood pressure even in your twenties. It is in your hands to manage this properly.

High blood pressure has no symptoms and that is why the heart attack age is coming down and down. A good lifestyle can give you long, healthy and happy life.

What should I do is the question from many young people. It is not necessary to run every month to your doctor to control your blood pressure. Buy a standard blood pressure measuring instrument and use it according to manufacturers’ instruction. Your blood pressure value must be below 140/90 mm Hg. Today’s instruments are so handy and you can measure at anytime and everywhere.

After 30 you can go to your doctor once in a year to check the blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar values. Prevention is better than cure and costs less.

What to do if you have high blood pressure? Avoid the risk factors and reduce the weight. Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and diuretics are good medicines to control the high blood pressure. If used properly you can live decades without any problems.

Right food and physical activity is important to be healthy.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Thyroid gland is producing hormones which are important for the functioning of our body. Iodine is needed to produce the hormones. Thyroid gland filters the iodine which we get from our food to produce these hormones. Unfortunately it can’t distinguish between stable and radioactive iodine.

The radioactive problems in Japan make this actual and many have several unanswered questions. I try to answer some of them here.

Can iodine tablets prevent the entrance of radioactive iodine into our body?

No, it can’t.

What is the right time to take the iodine tablets?

We must take it before the radioactive iodine reaches our body. After that there is no big use.

Is the iodine present in the food enough to make the thyroid glands full?

No, in food iodine is present in microgram amount, but we need in milligram amount to fill the thyroid gland completely. Microgram x 1000 = milligram

I’m using iodized salt: is it enough?

No, here also the amount of iodine is very small to do this job. Only special tablets or fluids are good for this purpose.

What are the amounts needed?

Newborns from birth to one month – 16 mg
Infants and children from 1 month to 3 years – 32 mg
Pregnant women – 65 mg
Breastfeeding women – 130 mg
Adults – 130 mg

This is for 24 hours.

Are there side effects?

Yes, there are few side effects, but the advantage is more than the side effects. If there is a nuclear accident it is an emergency and we must take it.

I have heard adults above 40 years need not take iodine tablets: is it right?

In many countries the health authorities say this. But, from our experiences from Chernobyl we know well that radioactive iodine attacks children as well as adults and causes cancer. Adults must also take iodine tablets.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

We know now the problems of radioactivity better because of the Fukushima accident in Japan. We have enough scientific information after 25 years of Chernobyl accident. Based on that, we could predict the hidden dangers of radioactivity.

The hidden dangers include:

• Thyroid tumors
• Leukemia
• Bladder caner
• Liver cancer
• Breast cancer
• Testicular cancer

The risk for tumor developing is far higher in children than adults.

The psychological, social and health problems are also very high.

The reproductive organs of men and women are also seriously affected and the dangers include:

• Reduced fertility in men
• Reduced fertility in women
• Increased stillbirths
• Increased birth defects – heart malformation, neural tube defects etc.
• Negative influence on children’s intelligence
• Negative influence on children’s general health

Adults had more heart attack and stroke. Fear and resettlement ruined many too.

Yes, the hidden dangers are very serious. This is happening in Japan now. Shall we learn something from this accident?

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Friday, March 11, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.
Apart from the ultraviolet rays from the sun there are many other radiations that can affect our health and can cause cancers. Here we have to differentiate between ionizing and non-ionizing radiations.

Ionizing radiation is high-frequency radiation. It has energy to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. Thus it can damage the DNA and this may lead to cancer. The ionizing radiations include:

• X-rays
• Gamma rays
• High energy ultraviolet rays
• Protons
• Alpha particles

Non-ionizing radiation is low-frequency radiation. It cannot damage DNA as the energy is not enough to remove electrons.

The non-ionizing radiations include:

• Low energy ultraviolet rays
• Infrared rays
• Visible light
• Radio waves
• Microwaves

Low energy ultraviolet radiation is a known risk factor for cancers. In other cases the cumulative effect must also be considered. Lot of neutral research is still needed in these fields.

Radiations from atomic bombs or atomic power plants are ionizing radiations and therefore sure risk for cancers. Workplace ionizing radiation is also risky. It is know that even small doses of ionizing radiation can increase cancer risk. The cancers caused by ionizing radiation include:

• Leukemia
• Thyroid cancer
• Lung cancer
• Skin cancer
• Breast cancer
• Stomach cancer
• Multiple myeloma

Leukemia can occur few years after radiation exposure and the other cancers can result after 10 to 15 years. Moreover, the radiation exposure to a particular part of the body or organ can cause cancer there.

Children are more sensitive and vulnerable than adults as they are growing.

The sources of ionizing radiation include:

• Natural radiation – cosmic rays, radiation in the earth and radon
• Radiation from medicine – CT scans, x-rays, radiation therapy, nuclear medicine tests. Radiation therapy doses are thousands of times higher than the x-rays
• Man-made radiation – Uranium mining, workplace radiations, from the already conducted atomic tests, accidents in the atomic power plants and the atomic waste depots

Tobacco products contain low levels of ionizing radiation. Smoke detectors and some building materials can also have low levels of ionizing radiation.

The whole body scanner in the airport uses very weak x-rays.

The non-ionizing radiation types include:

• Few ultraviolet rays
• Visible light
• Infrared rays
• Radio waves
• Microwaves
• Electromagnetic fields

Cell phones, heaters and all electrical devices emit non-ionizing radiation. Very little is known about the non-ionizing radiation and cancer risk. The non-ionizing radiation cannot damage DNA, but may affect the cells in other ways. Lot of long-term research is needed.

Cell phones and cell phone towers are not good to children below 12 years old. There are many studies to prove this. More long-term research is needed for adults.

Electromagnetic fields from the power lines and electrical devises may be the reason for increased leukemia and brain tumor in children. More studies are required for adults.

Television and computer screens produce many radiations. Here also more long-term research is needed.

Very high levels of microwaves are used to heat foods through microwave ovens. As long as it is used according to instruction there is no problem. High levels of microwaves can lead burns and it is dangerous to eyes too.

More research can only bring more light in this difficult field. It is better to avoid radiations if it is possible. It is always important to understand the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

We all love sun. The sun rays make us feel well and look beautifully. Skin cancer can be caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The sun beds can be a risk factor for skin cancers too.

The three main types of skin cancer are:

• Melanoma – This is the most dangerous and can spread to other parts of the body. There are only limited treatments for this cancer. It can be fatal.
• Basal cell carcinoma – This is the most common skin cancer. Mostly it never spreads to other parts of the body. But it can grow into the organ, bone or nerve in its path beneath the skin and destroy them. If it is near the eye it can spoil your eyesight.
• Squamous cell carcinoma – This is also common, but next to basal cell carcinoma. It is more dangerous than basal cell carcinoma, but less dangerous than the melanoma. Squamous cell carcinoma can spread to other parts of the body. It spreads mostly to lung, liver or lymph glands. There are treatments for this cancer.

With simple precautions you can protect your skin. Skin cancers are strongly associated with excessive sun exposure and the resulting damage to the skin. The damage can be permanent. Therefore, protection from sun’s ultraviolet radiation is important to avoid premature aging and skin cancer. The precautions include:

• Protective clothing
• Hat
• Sunglass
• Lotions or creams with Sun Protection Factor 15 or above
• Avoiding sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The SPF lotions must be used often if you sweat or swim. There is also a hereditary risk factor for skin cancers. If close family member have this or you have more than 20 moles you must be careful. Every abnormal color or form change must be informed to your doctor.

Brown skin filters the ultraviolet rays better than the white or pale skin. Persons with white skin must be very careful. Here a quick sun burn is possible. It is important to protect the skin of the children. Mostly the damage starts there.

People living under ozone holes must be very careful. Protection is the magic word for everyday to prevent skin cancers.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

Physical activity is the key to our health. We all know this. But, we have several excuses why don’t we do it regularly.

Last week a patient of mine came to me. She had 30 kg overweight. I tried to persuade her to do some physical activities. For each of my suggestions she had an argument why she didn’t do that. Uncontrolled food intake and a sedentary life are the reasons for overweight.

Physical activity helps us in many ways. The advantages include:

• Helps to protect you from developing certain cancers, e.g. breast, lung, colon and endometrial cancers
• Reduce the risk factors for high blood pressure, high cholesterol or triglycerides, heart disease and stroke
• Helps to prevent type 2 diabetes
• Reduces bone loss and thus prevents osteoporosis
• Improves mood and relieves the symptoms of anxiety and depression
• More calories are burnt and this means maintaining the weight or for many enjoying their food
• Very good to improve the mental fitness of seniors
• Improves sleep
• Improves general fitness
• Improves quality of life
• Makes healthy to live longer

It is never too late to start the physical activity. Physical activity is important for all, but how much one needs varies from individual to individual. 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity for 5 days in a week is considered optimum. You can do it continuously or with breaks. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines recommend the following for exercise:
• To reduce disease risk, at least 30 minutes daily of moderate-intensity physical activity, beyond your usual activities at home and work.
• To lose weight and prevent gradual weight gain, 60 minutes of moderate-to vigorous-intensity activity on most days.
• To keep of lost weight, 60 to 90 minutes of moderate-intensity activity.

The moderate-intensity physical activities include:

• Brisk walking for 35 min
• Gardening for 30 to 45 min
• Basketball (shooting baskets) for 30 min
• Playing volleyball for 45 min
• Bicycling 8 km in 30 min
• Fast dancing for 30 min
• Water aerobics for 30 min
• Swimming, 20 min
• Rope jumping, 15 min
• Self using of wheelchair, 30 to 40 min, personal experience
• Stair-climbing, 15 min

In vigorous-intensity physical activity one breaths rapidly and is able to speak in short phrases. The heart rate is increased and mostly results sweating. If possible the moderate-intensity physical activity and vigorous-intensity physical activity can be done alternatively. The vigorous-intensity physical activities include:

• Aerobic dancing
• Fast dancing
• Fast cycling
• Fast swimming
• Jogging
• Playing basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis etc.
• Race walking
• Hiking uphill

If you have not done more than a year any physical activity consult your doctor first. This is the case if you suffer from diseases too. Pregnant woman must also consult her doctor before starting her exercises.

Select the right physical activity, stay healthy and enjoy life…

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

During the last 20 years the percentage of overweight and obese children and adults has been steadily increasing in our world. Good/Bad and excess food and lack of physical activity are the main reason for this problem. It is well established that overweight and obesity are risk factors for high blood pressure, high triglycerides, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Apart from this, overweight and obesity are risk factors for certain cancers and they include:

• Breast (postmenopausal)
• Endometrium (cancer of the uterus lining)
• Gallbladder (in women)
• Kidney (in women)
• Colon (in men)
• Esophagus

There are many ways to have a look about your weight whether it is normal or not. Many follow the BMI and the guidelines for adults from age 20 are:

<18.5>30.0 obese

BMI = weight in kg/square of height in meters

The other easy way to know about your weight is:

Height in cm – 100 = normal weight
Normal weight – 10% normal weight = ideal weight

It is not advisable to have less than ideal weight as ideal weight – 10% normal weight = the dangerous model weight, that is simply skin and bones only.

Another very important factor is the waist circumference. Waist is the place where the reserve fat is deposited and this is a great risk factor. The recent research shows that Waist-to-height-ratio (WHtR) gives more information about the risk of heart attack and stroke. It is easy to calculate. Measure your waist circumference around your navel in cm and divide this with your height in cm to get the Waist-to-height-ratio. For example, your waist circumference is 85 cm and your height is 170 cm. 85/170 = 0.5

The reference ratios are:

Below 40 years – less than 0.5
Between 40 and 50 years – between 0.5 and 0.6
Above 50 years – around 0.6

Avoid or reduce the intake of processed food, fast food and junk food. Excess fat and carbohydrates must be avoided. Vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, nuts, seeds and legumes must be always a part of your food.

Physical activities are very important to keep the normal weight. Normal weight not only reduces the risks for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes but also the cancers.

Consult with your dietician and select the right foods for you. Get the advice of your dieticians often if it is necessary.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

Many people know that heavy alcohol consumption can cause health problems. Interestingly, many people do not know that alcohol can increase the cancer risk. Alcohol is definitely a risk factor for cancers. Research has clearly established the link between alcohol consumption and the risk for developing cancers. If more alcohol is drunk the risk is correspondingly high. The exact mechanism is not yet clear. It may be because alcohol can alter the hormone levels or make the liver not to metabolize certain cancer producing substances so that the healthy cells are vulnerable to cancer. We can compare this with the adverse effects of tobacco.

The risk may include the cancer of:

• Breast in women
• Colon
• Esophagus
• Larynx (voice box)
• Liver
• Mouth
• Throat
• Rectum

Alcohol and smoking or the use of tobacco products together increases this risk further. Few drinks a day may be already dangerous. As we all know in smokers, the more you drink the more you smoke and this increases the risk.

Alcohol can affect estrogen levels in a woman’s body and this may be the reason for the increased risk of breast cancer. Few drinks in a week can be sometimes too much. It is better not to drink alcohol or drink in very moderate amount to lower the risk of breast cancer.

For mouth and throat alcohol is an irritant and this damages the cells. The damaged cells try to repair themselves by changing their DNA and this may result the uncontrolled growth of the cells and thus the cancer.

Alcohol is converted into acetaldehyde in the colon by bacteria and this may be the reason for colon and rectum cancer.

Alcohol can damage the liver that results scarring and inflammation. This can be fatal.

Alcohol is not necessary for the metabolism and so without any problem one can avoid it. If you want to drink in social events drink less. A glass of beer or wine or champagne is allowed. But avoid all drinks that have high percent of alcohol.

There are many ways to enjoy life without alcohol…

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and metals. Out of this 43 are known cancer-causing and 400 are other toxins. These include:

• Nicotine
• Tar
• Carbon monoxide
• Formaldehyde
• Ammonia
• Hydrogen cyanide
• Acrolein
• Arsenic
• Cadmium
• Radioactive lead and polonium
• Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
• Nitrosamines
• Pesticides such as DDT and its metabolites

Nicotine is highly addictive. Nicotine from the smoke needs only few seconds to go through the lungs to reach the brain. It is a stimulant to the brain in small doses, but in high doses it is a depressant.

From the chewing tobacco more nicotine reaches the blood and thus to the brain. All tobacco products including cigars or snuff are not safe.

Apart from lung cancer smoking is known to be a risk factor for many cancers and they include:

• Lung

• Larynx
• Oral cavity including lips
• Throat
• Esophagus
• Stomach
• Pancreas
• Cervix
• Kidney
• Bladder
• Acute myeloid leukemia

90% of the lung cancer is caused by smoking. Men and women are equally affected. There are many other health problems coming from smoking and the use of other tobacco products. They include:

• Women’s reproductive health is affected
• Can affect embryo
• Reduced fertility
• Miscarriage
• Premature birth
• Stillbirth
• Can make asthma and pneumonia worse
• Excess production of free radicals and thus many organs can be affected
• Heart attack
• Stroke
• Bronchitis
• Aneurysms, bulging or ballooning of the arteries
• Emphysema, causes shortness of breath
• Causes poor blood flow in the legs and arms.

Passive smoking or secondhand smoking is worse than smoking. Never allow others to smoke inside your home or where children or non-smokers are there.

Pregnant woman or breastfeeding mothers should not smoke or use any tobacco products.

Go and consult your doctor and there are many ways to quit smoking or the use of tobacco products.

If you stop smoking the body needs 10 years to recover completely. Stop smoking immediately and improve your quality of life.

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Monday, February 28, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

Food plays a vital role in the prevention of many cancers and they include the cancer of:

• Colon
• Esophagus
• Larynx
• Lung
• Oral cavity
• Prostate
• Rectum

There are many studies, but more research is still needed to know more about the exact mechanism of cancer prevention with right foods.

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains have so many phytochemicals that are useful in the prevention of cancer. We don’t know exactly what substances or which food is good since the fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain several hundred phytochemicals that can be helpful to prevent cancer. The important groups of substances that are useful include:

• Antioxidants
• Phytochemicals
• Polyunsaturated fatty acids e.g. Omega 3-fattyacids

Antioxidants – these are substances that prevent or inhibit oxidation process in the body to protect cells. The aggressive free radicals can attack the healthy cells and can change their DNA. The result is tumor growth. More research is necessary to understand the role of cancer prevention of antioxidants from the food.

The important antioxidants include:

• Vitamin C
• Beta-carotene
• Vitamin E

The food rich in these antioxidants, particularly fruits, vegetables and nuts are very important food to minimize the risk of cancer.

Phytochemicals – these are chemicals present in plants to protect them from bacteria, viruses and fungi. Phytochemicals can act as antioxidants or food protectors or prevent cancer forming substances n the body. Brightly colored fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds contain many phytochemicals. Red, yellow, green, orange, blue, purple and white color fruits and vegetables are rich in phytochemicals.

The important phytochemicals include:
• Allicin – found in onions and garlic
• Anthocyanins – found in red and blue fruits and in vegetables
• Biflavonoids – found in citrus fruits
• Carotenoids – found in dark yellow, orange and deep green fruits and vegetables
• Flavonoids – found in fruits and vegetables
• Indoles – found in cruciferous vegetables
• Isoflavones – found in soybeans
• Lignins found in flaxseed and whole grains
• Lutein – found in leafy green vegetables
• Lycopene – found in tomato products and water melon
• Polyphenols – found in fruits, legumes, seeds and tea

It is important to eat the food containing these phytochemicals. We get phytochemicals only from our food. There are no supplements for phytochemicals.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids e.g. Omega 3-fattyacids – Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids belong to the group of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The Omega 3 fatty acids are:

• Alpha-linolenic acid – present in flaxseed and in walnuts
• Eicosapentaenoic acid
• Docosahexaenoic acid

The last two are present in cold water fatty fishes like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, halibut, striped bass and tuna. The body cannot produce these fatty acids and so must be taken from the food or from good supplements. Consult your dietician or doctor before you tank any food supplements.

Omega 3-fatty acids may reduce or prevent the risk of tumor production in the breast and prostate glands.

There are no recommended daily dietary allowance for antioxidants, phytochemicals and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Excess antioxidants can become pro-oxidants and this is bad for the health.

It is better to avoid processed food, fast food and junk food. If you can’t avoid it you must minimize the intake of these foods. As you know more than 3000 chemicals are used in the food processing industry. If an animal is butchered there is no waste. Almost everything is coming to our plate with the help of chemicals.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best. Frozen fruits and vegetables are equally good.

The above mentioned food is good not only to prevent or minimize the risk for cancer but also to prevent or minimize the risk for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and overweight and obesity.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

The uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is cancer. It is a group of disease. Cancer kills millions of people every year in our world. Few can be curable if diagnosed in the early stages. We can do a lot to minimize the risk of cancer. The hereditary risk factor is only about 5% to 10%. The rest comes from our lifestyle, diet and environment. We see here the many ways to reduce the cancer risks.

At present every third person gets some cancer in his life and one in four dies because of cancer. The number increases continuously. We must take this very seriously from the young ages. It is better to teach the primary school children about this and once learnt they will never forget in their lives.

Most cancers do not develop overnight and it can be a process of decades. This is the reason why we have to think about this big health problem very early.

Cancer prevention is easy and the important points for that include:

• The right food
• No tobacco products
• Alcohol in moderation
• Healthy weight
• Enough physical activity
• Avoid excess sun and other radiations
• Protection from viral infections
• Safe sex
• No needle sharing
• Use of hormones
• Preventive self-examinations and preventive medical checkup
• Environmental poisons
• Poisons in your home and garden
• Detoxification and free radical scavenging

The above tips are very important. What is right for you and what is not is different in different individuals. To understand this better I will write every day about one topic in detail.

Do something so that you can be happy always and enjoy your life even when you are very old. For this the foundation must be put in young years too.

If you want to assess your situation thoroughly you can have counseling. In this case you can contact me. The counseling can be in person or online.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Long working hours means you work more than 60 hours in a week. It can be a normal work time or normal work time plus overtime. Unfortunately this a reality in many countries, developed, developing or emerging. In Germany the normal weekly working hours are between 32 to 38.5 days. At the same time billions of hours of overtime is done every year. The European Union gives a maximum limit of 48 hours work in a week.

There are two risk factors in long working hours. At first the long working hours can be a problem itself. This means in these extra hours many accidents are happening. During the overtime at least 60% get hurt according to studies. Working more than 12 hours a day increases this risk more than 35%. A 60-hour week brought a 23% greater risk, the study of US records from 110,236 employment periods found. These risks were not necessarily associated with hazardous works. All are affected.

The work-related injuries are mostly cuts, burns and muscle injuries. More than half of these injuries have occurred during overtime or in the extended working hours.

There is also increased risk for health problems due to long working hours and they include:

• Depression
• Burnout syndrome
• Sleeplessness
• Back pain
• Heart problems

Long working hours are not only risky for you but also for others too. If you are too tired and make a car accident the others must also suffer. Your family suffers first. Is this the reason that the number of singles drastically increases in many countries?

We miss the social responsibility of the employers here. Interestingly the major reason for overtime is the bad organization in the working place. It is a big duty of the law-makers, trade unions and employers to find solution to this increasing problem.

One side there is millions or billions of hours overtime and the other side millions of unemployed people. This is difficult to understand for a normal person. Profit is the magic word which makes this problem. Hope bad employers get the depression first…

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

People, over 40 years who go regularly to their doctor for preventive check up, live longer than the persons of the same age, who don’t do these tests.

This is the result of a study from Japan, which was published in the journal Preventive Medicine. The researchers observed eleven years the preventive check up of 50000 health insurance members.

In the group that took no heed of medical prevention, the death rate during this period is 5.5% of the participants. In the preventive check-active group, there were only about half as many deaths, 2.7%. The positive effect of preventive check up is established.

People, who go to regular preventive check up, usually have generally a healthier lifestyle. This plays a vital role in their health.

Go for the preventive medical checkup and this helps you to live longer and healthy.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diabetes or pre-diabetes increases the risk for heart diseases and stroke. In pre-diabetes one have slightly increased blood sugar levels. Normally people who have pre-diabetes can develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years. Moreover, both with diabetes or pre-diabetes are at risk for cardiovascular diseases and stroke. With right food, weight loss and physical activity it is possible to delay or prevent type 2 diabetes and thus lower the risk of heart diseases and stroke. If necessary, the medications must also be taken.

What are the ways to minimize this risk for heart diseases and stroke? The best way is reduce the risks. The risk factors for heart diseases and stroke in people with diabetes include:

• Overweight or obesity
• Increased LDL-cholesterol
• Increased Homocysteine
• Increased Triglycerides
• High blood pressure
• Excess alcohol
• Smoking
• Family history of heart disease or stroke

We cannot change the hereditary risk. The other risks can be reduced without any problem.

The diabetes treatment is very important. It can be easily controlled with the following blood parameters. They include:

• Fasting blood sugar – less than 120 mg/dl
• Two hours after a meal – below 170 mg/dl
• HbA1c – must be below 7%
• The bad LDL-cholesterol – below 100 mg/dl
• The good HDL-cholesterol; men – above 40 mg/dl; women – above 50 mg/dl
• Triglycerides – below 150 mg/dl
• Blood pressure – below 130/80 mm Hg

This can be achieved with the right food and enough physical activities. If not, your doctor must give you medications. If the above parameters are kept in this levels people with diabetes can reduce the risk for heart diseases and stroke.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

It is really a good question. Minerals are part of the body’s composition. Every day the body produces 200 billion red blood cells and the whole blood is totally replaced in every 120 days. Every 90 days the bone structures are renewed. The skin regenerates every 2 to 3 months. Acid-base balance and water content of the body are regulated by minerals. Minerals are also part of the enzymes which help our metabolism function properly. As we know magnesium is present in 300 enzymes and zinc is present in more than 350 enzymes. We know the importance of calcium very much. Iron is important but, very problematic. Selenium is necessary to scavenge the free radicals and to remove poisonous metals like mercury from the body.

If you have to take a mineral supplement it is better to take an organic compound as inorganic compounds are mostly useless.

Calcium must be taken very carefully. Calcium should not be taken after meals. It can disturb the absorption of iron. Calcium also should not be taken with magnesium. Calcium should be taken between two meals. Remember too much of calcium even from the food makes more calcium to excrete. Too much of protein intake influences more excretion of calcium. It is same with the excess sodium. Excess sodium intake makes more calcium excreted from the body. Calcium supplements need not have vitamin D. If you eat normal you get enough vitamin D from your food.

Aluminium can also disturb the absorption of iron as calcium. Moreover excess iron is poisonous. Too much of iron can be stored in organs like liver and heart and produce many hydroxyl free radicals which are very dangerous for our health. If it is necessary we can take iron supplements only few weeks under the supervision of your doctor.
Zinc and selenium should not be taken together. If zinc is taken in the morning selenium must be taken in the evening.

Excess calcium supplements can cause gas, bloating or constipation. For each mineral there are recommendations for daily intake. This must be followed very strictly.

When do you need mineral supplements? Women over the age of 50 need calcium. This is well studied. Here not only calcium is important but also the enough physical activity to make the bones strong. Moreover, from your food intake it is easy for your dietician to tell whether you take enough minerals.

The minerals are also excreted continuously from the body through kidneys. Uncontrolled intake of minerals may spoil the kidneys too. Therefore, before you take supplements you consult your doctor or dietician.

Change your food habits with the help of your dietician and mostly this makes wonders.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Look at the television advertisements. Calcium and vitamin D is the must for women. Is it right? Think of your teeth and bones. Take calcium and vitamin D. I know many women who take it. They are afraid of osteoporosis. We need most of the vitamins in very small quantities. Vitamins are like pesticides. They are not dangerous in small amounts, but very dangerous in high amounts.

Take for example vitamin D. You can get enough from milk, dairy products, fish and sunlight. In small quantities vitamin D protects from cancer. If we take too much it is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Very high amounts of vitamin D can damage kidneys.

This is the reason why I tell you to be careful with vitamin supplements. We know about pure synthetic beta carotene. In smokers beta-carotene increases the risk of lung cancer.

Excess vitamin A can cause jaundice.

Excess vitamin C can cause kidney stones. It cannot be an antioxidant it can be a pro-oxidant. Never forget in nature in fruits we have not only the vitamins but also several other phytochemicals that are very important for our health.

Excess vitamin E can make problems with blood clotting.

What is my advice then? Vitamins are very important for our health. But they must come from our food and not as supplements.

Consult with your dietician and he could tell you whether you need a vitamin supplement or not. Even if you need a vitamin supplement you must take it only for a particular time. Slowly you must change your food habits so that you get yyou get your vitamins from your food.

If you need counseling come to me and we see what do you need and what not. It is very bad if the industry makes its billions and you have health problems.

I have estimated thousands of blood samples. Mostly we have seen deficits in vitamin B1, B6, B12 and folic acid. We have never seen deficits in vitamin A or vitamin E or vitamin C.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

What about the food we do eat after 7 p.m. Can they support the weight gain? Many believe this. But, as we know the total calories taken are the deciding one. The metabolism plays no role here. You can eat during day or night. If you take 1500 or 1800 calories they are always the same. It has no direct effect on weight loss or gain.

What really matters is the total calories from the food and drinks you have over the period of a day or a week or a month or longer and how much energy you spend during that period. Excess calories are stored as fat, regardless of whether they are taken before or after 7 p.m. During night we must sleep and during day we work or go to school or do many physical activities. Even if you sleep the body does not stop working. The heart is beating, blood is circulating, lungs are functioning and even the brain is working. Therefore, talking of fast or slow metabolism does not help us here to reduce weight.

But, there are dangers for weight gain if you take the following foods during the night and they include:

• Avoid larger portions in the night
• Avoid fast food. Many feel well to eat fast food such as pizza or burger than steamed vegetables or other usual food.
• A meal in the night is good, but too much of snacks are very bad. The chips and other snacks taking in the night during TV time is the worst and increase the fat content in the body.
• Never avoid meals during day and this makes you to eat unlimited amounts in the night and you take more calories than usual.

Late-night meal has no effect on metabolism and weight gain or loss. However, avoiding big meal and excess snacks is the right strategy to reduce or maintain the weight.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

What is right? Three big or five small meals in a day are good to reduce weight. Many believe that frequent small meal can speed up their metabolism. Three big meals may slow up the metabolism or cause fat gain. Is it true? Is it so easy to reduce weight?

There are many studies to understand the 5 meals advantages. The results are entirely different than the popular belief. 3 meals or 5 meals, it is the amount you eat and the total calories you have taken at the end of the day only play the important role. It is not possible to speed up or slow down the metabolism with food.

Weight loss or weight gain is based on your height, weight, physical activity, genetics and the amount of food you take. With 5 or more meals in a day you have to eat every two to three hours. Moreover, a woman may take 200 to 300 calories every meal. It will make you never full and so it can make you to eat more. The result can be weight increase than weight loss. We need 500 to 600 calories to satisfy our hunger and have the feeling of fullness.

Three main meals and two or three in between snacks are the best. In between snacks can be fruits or carrot or cucumber or tomato.

Nobody is against if you take 5 or more meals. You have to decide whether it is good for you or not. At the end of the day the total calories taken are the only important factor to weight increase or weight loss.

Your dietician can advise you for the right food. Enjoy your food…

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Friday, February 11, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

Meat and meat products have saturated fats and cholesterol. We must be always careful about the amount what we eat. The saturated fats and cholesterol are also very important to our health. They are not the villains as many think.

Meat is a good food. It has many essential nutrients like protein, iron, zinc and many vitamins. No plant food has vitamin B12 and only meat has it. The quality of the meat must be good. This means fresh meat is the best. We must be careful with processed meat which can have many chemicals which can affect our health.

If it is allowed in your country to use hormones in animal feed you must be very careful. In many countries hormones are not allowed in animal feed.

Be careful to buy the meat in big supermarkets. There are many tricks to keep the meat fresh up to ten days. The meat can look very fresh, but it is not. The butcher in the corner may be little costly, but the meat is good and fresh there.

The meat products like sausages contain excess fat and so must be careful about the amount you eat. Fresh meat is the healthiest.

You can eat meat, poultry, eggs, fish and sea food. 100 to 150 g is more than enough per day. You can take two days meat and one day fish in a week. Organ meat like liver or kidney can be eaten only once in a month. Avoid brain to eat. It makes you healthy and at the same time help to reduce your weight too.

It is important to know that you need not sacrifice anything even if you want to reduce your weight. Select the right foods for you with the help of your dietician and the success is mostly yours.

Enjoy your food and reduce or maintain your weight.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

The Separation Diet is said to be a balancing diet, meaning persons who are overweight lose weight and persons who are underweight gain weight. Most people lose weight. You may say wonderful. Is it really wonderful?

During this diet protein containing foods and carbohydrates containing foods should be kept strictly separate from one another.

Acid forming foods such as meat, fish, cheese etc. and alkaline forming foods such as fruits and vegetables should not be eaten at the same time. Neutral foods like yoghurt, milk etc. could be mixed with carbohydrates and protein.

The recommended protein foods are meat, poultry, fish and cheese and carbohydrate foods are whole grains, cereals, bread, rice, potatoes and sugars.

Sounds wonderful and where the problem is, you may ask. There are few serious problems. You gain weight if you mix carbohydrates and protein once again. It works only as long as you separate the foods strictly. Another big problem is the quantity plays always a major role. You can separate your food, but when excess amount is consumed there will be no weight reduction and the weight can go up. The total calories what you take is always important.

The positive effect I have seen is people are giving more care to select their food. Therefore, many eat regularly their fruits and vegetables portions too.

Consult with your dietician to know the best food for you to reduce weight. It is always individual. Enjoy your food and reduce and maintain your weight…

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

There are persons who take excess carbohydrates and there are others who say excess protein and fat is good for weight loss. As we all know fats have more than double the amount of calories than carbohydrates or protein.

If you consume less fats and protein excess sugar is converted into triglycerides, the blood fat. This blood fat is a risk factor for vascular and heart diseases. Moreover, for our health we need fats and proteins.

If you eat less carbohydrates fats and the sugar produced from the protein by the liver can give you the necessary energy. We need all the three regularly to be healthy. Not enough quantities of carbohydrates, fats or proteins are very bad for our health.

Good carbohydrates are necessary for a good brain function. Moreover, wholegrain products give us valuable fibers, vitamins, mineral and other phytochemicals. These are very important for our metabolism.

Protein is necessary for our muscles, but excess protein brings health problems. It is same with fats too.

Therefore to reduce weight we need good carbohydrates, fats and protein. Consult with a dietician and it is easy to find the right food for your type.

We can eat rice, noodles, potatoes, ice creams, cakes and sweets. Only the amount makes the problem.

Healthy lifestyle and physical activities are also very important always to reduce or maintain weight.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

Today’s theme is fats: as you know there are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. These are groups of substances. Animal fats are different than plant fats, but we need all fats. The saturated fats intake should not be too much. Plant fats are good as most of them are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. One gram of fat has 9 calories and this is more than double the calories of protein or carbohydrates. That is why it is better to avoid excess intake of fats. Do not avoid fat completely and this is bad for our health.

Monounsaturated fats are very healthy and this makes olive oil healthy. All plant oils are healthy. Mostly the omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids ratio must be right.

Saturated fatty acids have short, middle and long chain saturated fatty acids. Short and middle long chain fatty acids are very healthy. This makes coconut very healthy because 80% of the fatty acids present are short and middle chain fatty acids.

Fats are our reserve energy. They also protect the important organs like heart and reproductive organs. Excess carbohydrate increases the fat in our body as sugar is converted into fat in the liver. It is the case with excess protein intake also. A part of protein is converted into sugar and excess sugar is once again converted to fat.

Never avoid nuts and seeds and these have not only good fats but also the essential minerals what our body needs.

Avoiding fat totally causes constipation.

The fat soluble vitamins need fats; otherwise they could not be absorbed in our intestine.

Plant food has no cholesterol. All animal food has cholesterol.

Enjoy your food and fat gives taste to your food.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

The light food products have mostly low fat. But, this does not mean that they have low calories. They may contain more sugar or artificial sweeteners. More sugar means more calories. Artificial sweeteners are very dangerous. They give the body the feeling that food is coming. Correspondingly insulin is produced and this cannot simply disappear. It lowers the present blood sugar. You are hungrier and eat more. It is better to avoid light food products.

I have seen in persons who drank more light soft drinks significant increase of weight. Moreover, artificial sweeteners are given to animals to increase their weight quickly. There are no long-term studies with artificial sweeteners and few are risk factors for cancer.

Artificial sweeteners are also chemicals and the liver has to work more to eliminate them.

Consult your dietician and select the right food for you and it is easy to lose weight.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Overweight and obesity is a big health problem at present. In all the countries the youth have problem with their weight. Young women have eating disorders or overweight. Young men have problem with his T-Shirt when the weather becomes mild. The health insurances say that almost 30% of the persons treated for weight problems are below 18 years old. The youth must be given the right information so that they know what they do and what is right. I try to explain some of the important general points from today onwards.

1000 calories food or eating the half of the usual food is the mostly used method to reduce weight by many including the youth. The body gets few calories and so it uses the fat reserves of the body. The weight comes down quickly. You may ask where the problem is. There are two important problems here that you must understand well.

The body gets not enough calories and so it slows down the metabolism. This means that you need less energy to do things than before. The body burns few calories compared to the time when you eat normal. Therefore, the weight reduction is not there always. In course of time you may even gain weight.

Secondly, when you start eat normal the empty fat reserve cells are filled very quickly. You gain weight and it goes more than the weight you had before you started your diet. This is the so called Yo Yo effect. Yo Yo effect is a process in which the dieter is initially successful in achieving weight loss but is unsuccessful in maintaining the weight loss long-term. The dieter begins to gain the weight back when they eat normal. The dieter tries to lose weight once again and the cycle begins once again.

Try to understand our food well and plan well to reduce your weight. Slow weight loss is the best. Here the exercises and physical activities play a vital role. Our children learn so many complicated things without problem, but they don’t learn about food when they are young because we do not teach them. We must teach them properly and that is worth doing. Children will not have any problem to understand and once understood they do always right. Start in your family today to teach the children about food and diet!!!

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Friday, February 4, 2011

All human beings follow similar sleeping patterns. One sleep cycle is 90 to 110 minutes. A typical night’s sleep is the repetition of this cycle. There are four stages of sleep.

Stage 1 – Stage one sleep is the lightest of the four stages where the brain wave patterns are similar when we are awake. The body is very active during this stage. The brain temperature rises, blood pressure and pulse rate fluctuates, breathing is irregular and the brain consumes more oxygen. We have several stage 1 sleep periods during a night.

Stage 2 – Stage 2 sleep begins usually within the first 5 to 10 minutes. This is the period where sleep-talking takes place. Stage 2 sleep becomes shorter and shorter with each sleep cycle.

Stage 3 – In stage 3 sleep the breathing is slow and even, the pulse rate has slowed down and the body temperature has dropped. During this period the brain produces five times more electricity as when we are awake. During this stage it is difficult to awake a person. This is the time when most dreaming happens. During this period the body has almost shut down and the brain sends messages to the spinal cord to suppress muscle activity. This is the reason why people cannot run or cry out during a nightmare. In the beginning stage 3 sleep lasts 10 to 15 minutes, but at the end of the night it can last 40 to 60 minutes in a cycle. With each cycle stage 3 sleep time increases.

Stage 4 – Stage 4 sleep is the deepest level of sleep. In the first cycle this will be usually 20 minutes or more. Stage 4 becomes shorter and shorter during the sleep and before the end of the sleep there is no stage 4 sleep in the cycle.

In stage 4 sleep only the growth hormones are released into the body and so teenagers need more of this than adults.

People over 70 may have almost no stage 4 sleep in their sleep cycle. This is the reason why they do not have sound sleep. This makes them sick.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

We can do many things to have good sleep. Every individual is different and so everybody must find their right way for this. The general information gives you what to d and what not. In this changed and quick world a good sleep becomes more and more important.

The tips for a good night sleep include:

• No long afternoon sleep. If you sleep it should not be more than 20 min
• Go to bed at the same time every night
• Avoid excess coffee after dinner. You may not have problems with coffee for many decades, but the problem can start from a day to the other. In many cases a strong coffee in the afternoon can affect the sleep.
• Avoid excess alcohol
• Avoid smoking as nicotine is a stimulant
• Do your exercises in the morning, not before you go to bed
• Your bedroom must be dark, external lights can also disturb your sleep
• Mattress and pillows must be comfortable. The bedroom must be clean and ventilated good. You must also know which temperature is good for your sleep.
• Don’t work till you go to bed. Relax with good music and warm bath.
• Don’t eat much before you go to bed. You need 2 to 3 hours gap between dinner and sleep.
• Don’t drink too much water before you go to sleep
• If you are hungry groundnuts are the best. But, don’t eat much. If you want to drink milk, take warm milk, but always with a piece of bread or toast. Only milk can increase the production of the acid in the stomach and bad for your sleep.
• About your tomorrow’s work you can think in the morning and not before sleep
• If you have health problems consult with your doctor and don’t wait for weeks.
• Low hemoglobin and iron values in the blood can also be a reason for sleeplessness. If necessary to control this talk to your doctor.
• Turn off your television

We all know we can sleep well if we are happy. Try to reduce your stress and this also you can learn.

Wish you a good sleep every night!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The sleeping difficulties are called insomnia. The definition of insomnia is the difficulties in initiating and/or maintaining sleep or a poor quality of sleep associated with impairment of daytime functioning. People of all ages including children are affected by insomnia. Approximately 10% are suffering continuously with this problem. Almost every second person experiences this problem sometimes in his life.

The three classes of insomnia are:

• Lasting one week or less
• Lasting more than a week but less than three weeks
• Lasting more than three weeks

Insomnia can be a sign or a symptom. The factors that cause this problem include:

• Stress
• Excess heat or cold or noise or lighting
• Unfamiliar surroundings including a different bed
• Jet lag
• Working in shifts
• Excess alcohol
• Smoking
• Abuse of illegal drugs
• Strong coffee in the late evening
• Side effects of certain medicines
• Symptom of some diseases

The sleep disorders that cause insomnia include:

• Sleep apnea – abnormal pauses in breathing
• Restless leg syndrome – burning, itching or tickling sensations in the leg during sleep
• Periodic limp movement disorder – repetitive cramping or jerking of the legs during sleep
• Circadian sleep disturbance – have changed biological rhythms
• Sleep walking

The other important conditions that can cause insomnia are medical, psychiatric and physiologic and they include:

The medical causes include:

• Breathing problems from asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Acid reflux
• Obesity
• Frequent urination or urinary incontinence
• Chronic pain
• Heart diseases
• Obstructive sleep apnea
• Hyperthyroidism
• Diseases like dementia, fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s disease

The psychiatric problems that can cause insomnia include:

• Depression
• Mania
• Anxiety
• Psychosis
• Posttraumatic stress disorder

The common physiologic conditions that can cause insomnia include:

• Menstruation
• pregnancy
• Menopause
• Midlife crisis
• pain

It is important to consult with your doctor to find the causes of insomnia. There are many treatments to help you and your doctor can suggest the right one for you. Sometimes you need the help of a neurologist or a psychologist.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

Black pepper belongs to the family Piperaceae. It is a native of tropical India and is cultivated in many tropical regions. Vietnam is the world’s largest producer and exporter of black pepper. Black pepper is dried and used as a spice. Table salt and the black pepper are the most commonly seen things in every dinner table in our world. A spice is a spice and it must be used in small quantities. It is not there to use in excess. Pepper chicken or pepper steak is prepared with the immature black peppercorns, the green peppercorns.

The health benefits include:

• Improves digestion by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
• Gives relief in gas problems
• Alleviates constipation
• Increases appetite
• Anti-bacterial effect
• Has powerful antioxidant effect
• Helps free radical scavenging, thus can have anticancer effects
• Helps to treat vitiligo, a skin disease that cause areas of the skin to lose their pigment
• Improves the absorption of nutrients
• Has antidepressant properties
• Gives relief from cold and cough, used in Ayurveda to treat these health problems

With all the above mentioned positive health effects, black pepper is still a spice and should be used in small quantities to achieve these benefits. The dose makes the poison and so excess black pepper can have risks to our health.

The possible health risks include:

• Production of excess hydrochloric acid
• Production of excess pepsin
• Loss of potassium
• Mucosal micro bleeding in the intestine
• There are contradictory reports about piperine, the alkaloid present in black pepper. It may be anticancer or cancer promoter. More research must be done on this.

Patients who had abdominal surgery must avoid black pepper in food because of the irritating effects of it on the intestines. People who have ulcer must also avoid black pepper.

As a spice, in small quantities, it is good for all. Avoid excess use. I like pepper very much and use it regularly without any problem.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Yes, your cholesterol is high and you have 13 kg overweight. Your cholesterol must be brought below 200 mg and you must reduce your weight, 15 to 17 kg within a period of one year. This can be achieved with proper food and enough physical activity. Overweight and high cholesterol can lead to heart diseases and type-2 Diabetes.

The food recommendations include:

• Reduce the intake of rice, wheat and other carbohydrates
• Reduce the amount of meat or chicken (without skin), twice in a week, 150 g each time is enough
• Eat twice in a week fish, 150 g
• Eat more vegetables, leafy vegetables are very good. Avoid excess root-vegetables
• Eat fruits everyday
• Pulses, beans, nuts and seeds must be eaten regularly
• Reduce the intake of local sweets and chocolates

The risk factors that must be avoided include:
• Excess alcohol
• Smoking
• Overweight
• Stress

Daily physical activity – one hour quick walking or any other exercises you like

Excess carbohydrates and excess protein are finally converted into fat in the liver. This blood fat is also dangerous.

Homocysteine is another risk factor for heart diseases. If it is not possible to estimate homocysteine, vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12 in blood you can take every day one vitamin B complex to keep the homocysteine in the reference level. Note that all the 8 B vitamins are present in your B complex tablet.

Above all the genes play a vital role here. Be very careful when known heart and sugar problems are there in the family.

Cholesterol is very important to the body. If you avoid it totally the liver produces the necessary amount.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lycopene is a phytochemical and comes under the group of carotenoids. Although chemically it is a carotene, it has no vitamin A activity. It is a safe food coloring agent. The eleven conjugated double bonds present in lycopene are responsible for its antioxidant activity. Lycopene is the most powerful quencher of singlet oxygen free radical. It is 100 times more powerful than vitamin E in experiments.

The health benefits of lycopene include:

• Heart protective
• Good antioxidant to control free radicals
• Supports bone health
• Important for eye health
• Reduces the risk of prostate, lung, stomach and breast cancer
• Good for anti aging
• Good antioxidant to treat male infertility

More research is needed to understand the value of lycopene for human health.

Tomato is the rich source for lycopene. Lycopene is present in tomato skin and so the bioavailability is bad from fresh tomato. Tomato juice and processed tomato have the highest amount of lycopene.

Foods rich in lycopene include:

• Tomatoes
• Processed tomato products such as tomato juice, tomato soup, tolmato sauce, tomato paste, tomato ketchup
• Watermelons
• Pink grapefruits
• Pink guavas
• Apricots
• Papaya

Lycopene is useful with other micronutrients and plant chemicals present in the food. Therefore, as a food supplement it may not have all the benefits that you get from tomato or other fruits.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

In 2009 I was in Tamil Nadu, India for more than 4 months. That was my last long stay there. The present journey was only for three weeks and was packed full to visit places, family members, relatives and friends. I could meet many friends there and unfortunately I couldn’t also meet many. It is difficult to predict there what will and will not happen there and we have to accept that as we have to accept our fate.

Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Sattur (my native place), Sivakasi, Thirunelveli, Thiruchendur, Kanyakumari, Thanjavur, Kumbakonam and Vaitheeswarankoil are the places visited by me.

The economical changes are great. The roads are full. The prices are shooting up. Many earn well, but nobody has time. Many have no time for themselves, to their families and friends. This quick life brings also many problems. The standard of life is increased and for many it means more food and alcohol. Heart attack reached the people in their thirties. All want to be healthy and do a lot, but without a solid basis.

I had the chance to talk to people who are known to me for a long time. Most of them eat 70% to 90% only carbohydrates. Meat is consumed in large quantities. Many take the advice of the dieticians. But, an individual advice is rare to get. Vegetables and fruits are consumed less because of the high prices. It is applicable to pulses and beans too. Local groundnuts are cheap and many don’t eat because of the high fat in them. Almonds are almost 80% costlier than in Germany.

Local sweets and chocolates are taken in huge quantities. Many are addicted to this.

To conclude, many have deficits in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It is easy to get these with a right mix of available foods there. I hope they get the right information and above all, they must be in a position to change their food habits.

“You are what you eat”. It is only in your hands to give all the necessary nutrients to your body to be healthy.

The positive changes that I expected there are not taking place quickly. They need time, more time.

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