Friday, April 30, 2010

Tapioca (kappa) is the root of a shrub-like plant called Cassava native to Brazil. It is most commonly used as starch and food thickener. In India is used very often used in Kerala.

Almost 90% of tapioca is carbohydrates and has traces of vitamins and minerals. It is gluten and protein free. It has also traces of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thus it has little nutritional value. If you eat this with fish curry or with grates of coconut this only brings the nutritional value.

Tapioca is used to thicken puddings, jellies and soups. It is used as a binder in tablets by the pharmaceutical industries. It is a thickener in natural paints also. In many South American and African countries different desserts are made with tapioca.

Tapioca can contain a cyanide based toxin. It should not be eaten exclusively and in large amount for a long time. It is very rich in carbohydrates and can raise the blood sugar level dramatically in persons with diabetes.

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Diabetes can cause specific complications in women. When compared with men, women have a 50% greater risk of diabetic coma. Women with diabetes have heart diseases similar to men, but more women die from the first heart attack than do men with diabetes.

The complications of women with diabetes include:

• Women with diabetes have an increased risk of recurrent yeast infections
• May cause decreased vaginal lubrication
• Birth control pills can raise blood sugar levels
• Fluctuations in hormone levels through the menstrual cycle can increase the blood sugar levels. When the estrogens levels are high the body may be resistant to its own insulin or injected insulin
• Premenstrual symptoms can be worsened by poor blood sugar control
• Pregnancy in a woman with diabetes and the temporary diabetes which occurs during pregnancy can increase the risk for birth defects
• Hormonal levels change in perimenopause can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Women with diabetes have an increased risk of premature menopause and this can lead to higher risk of heart disease
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is part of the Insulin Resistance Syndrome. It is caused by genetics and lifestyle factors

Go to your doctor regularly and the blood sugar levels must be estimated regularly to find, diagnose and treat diabetes. It increases your quality of life.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Whether you know or do not know high blood sugar level over a period of time can gradually damage your blood vessels. This is the case if the sugar level is just above the normal level for a long time. The adverse health effects are noticed often years after the diabetes is developed.

The long-term adverse health effects include:

• Hardening of the arteries. This can lead to chest pain, heart attack and stroke. This can cause also poor blood circulation.
• Kidney damage which may lead to kidney failure.
• Eye and vision problems. It is due to the damage of the small arteries of the retina at the back of the eye.
• Nerve damage.
• Due to poor blood circulation and nerve damage impotence.
• Poor blood circulation and nerve damage can make foot problems.
• Skin and mouth conditions. You can more susceptible to skin problems including fungal and bacterial infections.
• Diabetes can lower the bone mineral density, thus increases the risk of osteoporosis.
• Diabetes may increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.
• Diabetes can cause hearing problems

You may not develop all these health problems. It is different in individuals according to the severity of the diabetes. The risk is reduced if you are also treated for your high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.

Untreated type-2 diabetes increases the blood sugar level very high and the short-term adverse health effects are dehydration, drowsiness and other conditions which can be life threatening.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

There are many causes for dry skin. Millions of people suffer dry skin in the world. The causes include:

• Dry skin might be due to a genetic condition
• Due to dry cold weather in winter
• There can be no natural lubrication of the skin and this causes dehydration of the skin
• Environmental factors like exposure to sun, weather, chemicals including cosmetics or excessive use of soaps
• Skin disease like eczema, psoriasis etc. can cause dry skin
• Poor diet with vitamins deficiency can support to form dry skin
• Drugs can have dry skin as side effect
• Diabetes or under active thyroid can cause dry skin

Food and healthy lifestyle can help to have a better skin. A good diet includes vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes. Protein from vegetables is good to skin and increase the intake of raw food. Sulphur containing foods like onion, garlic and asparagus can help to keep the skin smooth. Yellow and orange colour vegetables have many antioxidants. The beta-carotene from carrots is very valuable for skin.

Flax seed oil can be added to salads and other food which need not be cooked. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are necessary to produce Prostaglandins which supports skin health. Vegetables and fruits contain valuable vitamin A and C. Quark, natural plain yoghurt, yeast and wheat germ are rich in pantothenic acid – vitamin B5 which is important for skin health.

Drink 2 to 3 litres of fluids everyday and if you sweat more then drink more. Water keeps the skin well hydrated.

Fried foods, processed foods, animal fats and hydrogenated oils must be avoided. Avoid heating oil and use only cold pressed oils. Junk foods, chips, products with sugar, chocolates and soft drinks must be consumed rarely and it is better to avoid them.

Caffeine and alcohol can dehydrate the body and this is bad for skin health. Avoid all soft drinks which contain caffeine.

Do not take bath in hot water and the shower or bath must be short. Moisturize your skin immediately after your bath or shower.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Millions of people are suffering from type-2 diabetes in our world and one can do a lot to prevent or postpone this disease.

The main risk factors include:

• Having a first-degree relatives – parents, brother, sister or child – with type-2 diabetes
• Having overweight or obesity
• High blood pressure
• HDL-cholesterol is less than 35 mg/dl or triglyceride level greater than 250 mg/dl
• Having a waist measuring more than 80 cm in women and 94 cm in men
• Having high blood sugar levels than normal without having diabetes
• Having diabetes or blood sugar levels above normal without having diabetes during pregnancy

Normally the problem of type-2 diabetes starts when the people are above 40 years old. But in recent times even young people get this disease. South Asians and African-Caribbean people have five times more risk to get type-2 diabetes.

The symptoms of type-2 diabetes often come on gradually and can be quite vague in the beginning. Many people have type-2 diabetes for a long period without knowing.

The common symptoms include:

• Being thirsty always
• Passing excess urine
• Tiredness
• Weight loss

If you have the symptoms go to your doctor and he could do the right diagnosis and treatment.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

The body is made up of many types of cells, the body’s basic unit of life. When cells become old or damaged, they die and are replaced with new cells. The cells grow and divided in a controlled way to produce more cells according to the needs of the body to be healthy.

Sometimes DNA, the genetic material of a cell can become damaged or changed producing mutations which affect normal cell growth and division. In this case the old cells will not die, but new cells are formed which are not needed by the body. These extra cells may form a mass of tissue called a tumour.

The abnormal and uncontrolled cell division is called cancer and it is a very serious disease. These cancer cells are able to invade other body tissues. Through the blood and lymph systems they can spread to other parts of the body.

There are more than 100 different types of cancer. Most of the cancers are called in the of the affected organ or type of cell in which they start, for example, cancer that begins in the breast is called breast cancer; Basal cell carcinoma begins in basal cells of the skin.

The main categories of cancer include:

• Leukemia – cancer which starts in blood-forming tissues such as the bone marrow
• Lymphoma and myeloma – cancers that begin in the cells of the immune-system
• Carcinoma – cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover the internal organs
• Sarcoma – cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels or other connective or supportive tissue
• Central nervous system cancers – cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.

Healthy food and a good lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancers.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Whole grain oat flour or oat bran can reduce cholesterol and the bad LDL-cholesterol. The fibre, beta-glucan is responsible for this reduction. The amount of good HDL-cholesterol is not lowered.

100g oat bran provides at least 5.5g and whole grain oat flour provides at least 4g beta-glucan soluble fibre. 3g of beta-glucan intake is suggested for the reduction of cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol.

Normally 60g oat bran is enough to get the necessary amount of beta-glucan. Do not take too much of oat flour and the benefit is not increasing with more intake.

The reduction of cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol can be achieved if you take food with less saturated fatty acids and a good lifestyle. Regular physical activity is a must.

Oat flour contains approximately 60% carbohydrates and an uncontrolled huge intake is not healthy.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Insulin is a natural hormone of the body which controls the level of sugar in the blood. It is like a key to open the cells and send sugar there. Cells cannot utilize sugar without insulin.

Sugar is the body’s important and primary source of fuel. Excess sugar builds up in blood can lead to diabetes. Without insulin the cells cannot take sugar from the blood.

The other functions of insulin include:

• Stimulates growth
• DNA synthesis
• Cell replication
• Increases amino acid transport into cells
• Stimulates lipogenesis (conversion of sugar to fat, triglycerides)
• Decreases lipolysis (breakdown of triglycerides for energy production)
• Altering the cell content of numerous mRNAs (messengerRNAs carry coding information to the sites of protein synthesis)
• Modulates transcription (helps to transfer of genetic information from DNA to mRNA)

Insulin is thus important to our health.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Eating the right and healthy food are very important for eye care. The food must contain the necessary vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Eating the right foods can lower the risk of many eye diseases.

The important nutrients for eye health include:

• Vitamin A
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Selenium
• Zinc
• Antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin

A major US study has found that vitamins A, C, E, selenium and zinc can slow down the age-related macular degeneration in existing and low grade patients. Vitamins C and E may help to prevent development or to reduce the progression of cataracts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are deposited in the eyes and these antioxidants help to scavenge or neutralize free radicals which can cause cell damage in the eyes. Overexposure to the sun’s UV radiation is a main cause of oxidative damage of the eyes. Dark coloured fruits and vegetables contain lutein and zeaxanthin and they include: spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, kiwi fruit, mango, prunes, water melon, squash, broccoli, orange peppers, grapes, papaya, pumpkin, sweet corn, green beans, peas, oranges, peaches, sweet potatoes and dark green lettuce.

For maximum benefit eat the vegetables lightly cooked so that the cells are break down and the bioavailability of lutein and zeaxanthin is increased.

Vitamin A is rich in liver, carrots, spinach, mango, cantaloupe and kale. Vitamin C is rich in papaya, green bell pepper, oranges and in other citrus fruits, broccoli, sweet potatoes and red chilli. Plant oils are rich in Vitamin E.

Brazil nuts, ground nuts and other tropical nuts contain lot of selenium. In countries where the soil is poor in selenium many foods are enriched with this important mineral. Meat, nuts, pulses and beans are rich in zinc.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

You have to stop taking your tablet because it is excreted through the kidneys as also the contrast injected for the catheterization. Both together can damage the kidneys and this is the reason to stop your tablets.

Normally your doctor advises you to inject insulin if the blood sugar values are out of control. But it is possible to manage with right diet these seven days without tablets.

Control your blood sugar value two hours after you have taken your last meal and this value must be below 140 mg/dl. Above this value you have to inject insulin to reduce the blood sugar.

What to eat to keep the blood sugar normal? You have to reduce the intake of carbohydrates. Simple sugar and milled grains products must be avoided completely. You can take a slice of whole grain bread in the morning. All the foods which contain much protein are allowed. Cheese, eggs, nuts, poultry and whole grains are good. It is advisable to take more protein to get the necessary blood sugar values. As we know protein is converted into sugar in the liver.

For lunch you can take a big salad with many leafy vegetables with 50 to 60 g cooked rice, noodles or potatoes. Few pieces of lean meat and poultry are also good.

In the evening you can take only nuts and curd. A piece of whole grain bread is also good. If you are hungry in between take a piece of cheese or nuts are good. Almond, walnut and pumpkin seeds are good.

Do not worry about the fat from meat or from nuts during these because you have to take the other medicines except diabetes medicine normally.

If you are an Asian take one or two small idlys or one chapathi with chutney or vegetable kuruma. Noodle soups are also good. With this strategy you can keep the blood sugar normal. Without hunger and insulin injection I could keep the blood sugar of a 60 years old man well in normal range, below 130 mg/dl after two hours of his meals.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grey hair is a part of human aging process. There are many different factors which play a role in greying hair. Few get grey hair when they are young. Grey hair will not make us wise, but with increasing age it is possible. There is no connection to grey hair and wisdom.

What can we do against getting grey hair? We cannot do much because the primary cause is mostly genetics. But there are ways to stop or slow down greying.

Stress is an important factor to cause premature grey hair. We are extremely busy all the time. Stress starts from kindergarten and ends when we die. We have extreme stress in the school, college, office and family. The stress a woman or man gets when she/he sees her/his first grey hair is great. Many play mad and many spend a fortune to avoid further greying.

There are other factors to avoid premature grey hair and they include:

·        Avoid all sorts of stress
·        Have healthy diet
·        Have enough, regular sleep
·        Good lifestyle
·        Avoid smoking
·        Avoid party and other illegal drugs
·        Avoid excess alcohol
·        Enough physical activity

As you see it is in your hands to avoid premature grey hair.

In our society looking young is valued much. What to do if there is grey hair? Do not spend money in wonder creams or lotions and nothing will help. The best way is to dye your hair and this could be done always without any problem.  Be careful with the dyes and check before whether you have allergy with the chemicals there.  At any cost never keep the on your head than the given time for that dye. Wash generously many times with water till the dye is completely removed. Otherwise also there will be the chance for the allergy.

Grey hair is a part of our life. If you are mentally mature it will not disturb you at all.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

The cause for chronic low back pain is not always the structural problems of the spinal cord.

The constipation can be a reason and the symptoms include:

• There will be no relief after your therapies like physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture etc.
• Inconsistent bowel movements
• Difficulty in passing stool

The reason is very simple. If there are no proper bowel movements it leads to bad bacterial overgrowth and inflammation. The intestines can be inflamed and swollen. This can prevent the abdominals from working. You need the abdominals to stabilize the muscles of the back. When they stop working and inflamed your back has no support. This causes chronic low back pain.

Mostly the culprits for the constipation are your bad diet and inadequate intake of fluids. All junk foods, processed foods, refined sugar and flour and excess caffeine can cause constipation. You must change your lifestyle and must take more fresh food. Plant oils are also necessary in your food for good bowel movement. A healthy lifestyle helps to reduce your weight also.

Drink 2 to 3 litres of fluids and 70% must be water. Here the probiotics can help to replace the bad bacteria. Physical activity is vital to stimulate the intestines. Try to avoid stress. If there is stomach problems think about food intolerances also.

It is in your hands to do something good to you.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Back pain is one of the most expensive health problems in every country. It costs the United States more than $90 billion a year. One third of the patients suffer from chronic back pain.

Apart from conventional treatment analgesics, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs and opium-derivatives are mostly used drugs to manage the pain. The conventional treatment for chronic back pain is mostly disappointing.

We believe that persistent back pain is caused by structural alterations of the spine, muscle inflammation or problems in the nerves. But mostly spinal X-rays or Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans are normal in persons who suffer from chronic back pain. Are there any other factors which cause chronic back pain?

The other causes of chronic back pain include:

• Acute and chronic infections, e.g., influenza.
• Inflammation of pancreas or pancreatic cancer can cause severe pain in the middle of the back.
• Heart diseases may cause pain in the back between the shoulders or in the area of the left shoulder. Successful treatment heals the pain.
• Blocks of vertebral joints. Here a good chiropractor can help you.
• Persons with allergies including food allergies are prone to suffer back pain.

It is proven that your emotions can have an impact on your health. The body-cells, nervous system and brain regions can provoke and deal with emotions. Several studies show the stress in the job and family relationship correlate more closely to chronic back pain. That means the problems in our life has an effect on the back pain.

If your mind is healthy and you are in a position to master your life in all situations there will be no danger from this side for chronic back pain. Problems are there to solve and not to suffer always. You must have a positive approach to your life. As you see, it is in our hands to manage many situations rightly. This is the reason why many get pain relief with alternative and traditional medicine. Apart from conventional treatment analgesics, muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs and opium-derivatives are mostly used drugs to manage the pain. The conventional treatment for chronic back pain is mostly disappointing.

We believe that persistent back pain is caused by structural alterations of the spine, muscle inflammation or problems in the nerves. But mostly spinal X-rays or Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans are normal in persons who suffer from chronic back pain. Are there any other factors which cause chronic back pain?

The other causes of chronic back pain include:

• Acute and chronic infections, e.g., influenza.
• Inflammation of pancreas or pancreatic cancer can cause severe pain in the middle of the back.
• Heart diseases may cause pain in the back between the shoulders or in the area of the left shoulder. Successful treatment heals the pain.
• Blocks of vertebral joints. Here a good chiropractor can help you.
• Persons with allergies including food allergies are prone to suffer back pain.

It is proven that your emotions can have an impact on your health. The body-cells, nervous system and brain regions can provoke and deal with emotions. Several studies show the stress in the job and family relationship correlate more closely to chronic back pain. That means the problems in our life has an effect on the back pain.

If your mind is healthy and you are in a position to master your life in all situations there will be no danger from this side for chronic back pain. Problems are there to solve and not to suffer always. You must have a positive approach to your life. As you see, it is in our hands to manage many situations rightly. This is the reason why many get pain relief with alternative and traditional medicine.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Calcium is important to have normal blood pressure and it also functions as a natural diuretic to mild the effects of much sodium intake.

Calcium supplement gives contradictory results, 80% benefit from the supplementation and in 20% the blood pressure goes marginally up. Dairy products containing low fat and vegetables are also good sources of calcium. Talk to the dietician to know the right food to you.

Potassium can also reduce blood pressure and it is proved that low potassium diet increases blood pressure. The mechanism behind is that too little potassium in the blood lead to sodium retention and high blood pressure.

Fruits, vegetables and fish are rich in potassium.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Fibres and antioxidants of vegetables and fruits are capable of reducing the blood pressure. Comparatively the fibres and antioxidants of fruits are more effective than those of vegetables.

Celery is known to reduce the blood pressure, but it has also sodium which can increase the pressure. Take one to two stalks and this is enough.

Garlic is also important to reduce the blood pressure and the mechanism is dilation of the arteries. Onion and garlic have adenosine which is a smooth muscle relaxant. Raw or cooked, both are effective to control the blood pressure.

All leafy vegetables are good to reduce the blood pressure. All fruits are also good. 5 to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables are good in a day.

You must have a good lifestyle. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Keep your weight normal. Have enough physical activity.

Above all, you must avoid all forms of stress. You must know how to manage your stress well. Avoiding mental stress reduces the blood pressure and keeps it normal.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Chillies are very good food with good nutrients. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Capsaicin is the main phytochemical from the capsaicinoids which has many health benefits.

The health benefits of capsaicin include:

• Can cause cancer cell death in animal studies
• Can inhibit chemically induced carcinogenesis and mutagenesis in animal models
• May help to reduce weight. If you want to gain weight reduce the intake of red chillies
• Can prevent the oxidation of the bad LDL-cholesterol
• Meals with red chillies help to control the blood sugar
• Is a painkiller
• Can control the microbial contamination of food
• Has anti-ulcer protective effects

But, any food which we eat in excess is not good. It is also with red chillies. If you buy red chilli powder buy from good and known sources. There are adulterations in some countries where para-Red or lead salts are added.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fruits and vegetables have no cholesterol. They have many antioxidants which could lower the bad LDL-cholesterol.

Avocados, olive oil and almonds reduce the bad LDL-cholesterol. These are fatty foods but the monounsaturated fatty acids present in them are good.

Vitamin C protects HDL, which cleans the arteries and with vitamin E it acts as antioxidant so that the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol will not take place and without oxidised LDL-cholesterol the arteries are clean. Two oranges will give you the enough vitamin C every day.

The apples are healthy, even a child knows it today, and it has a soluble fibre, pectin, which is responsible for the decrease of cholesterol. There are also other substances present which helps pectin. This effect is much higher in women than in men; women loose cholesterol almost 3 times more than men. Two apples can do well for a day.

Grapefruit is also a good food, it has a unique property of decreasing LDL-cholesterol but it can also reverse plaque which is already clogging your arteries. The soluble fibre found in grapefruit is galacturonic acid, but the juice does not have this fibre and so no effect on cholesterol.

But, if you take medicines you must be careful; grapefruit and juice can interfere with drug metabolism.

Carrots are good to decrease LDL-cholesterol and increase the good HDL-cholesterol. Pectin is one of the many soluble fibres present in carrots. Two average size carrots are enough per day to get the good effect. At the same time whether it is cooked or fried the effect of the fibre is there. Beta-carotene from carrots also increases the HDL cholesterol.

Onion is the best food to increase the HDL-cholesterol, but it must be raw. Cooked onions help in other ways to protect the heart. Half a raw onion per day is good.

Three raw or cooked garlic cloves a day can lower cholesterol. The substances in garlic reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver.

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cholesterol is an essential substance in our body and it has several important functions. Our blood, brain, liver and other organs need cholesterol. If there is no cholesterol then there are no female and male sex hormones and vitamin D..

Cholesterol is made a villain by many vested interests to make business and earn money. LDL-cholesterol is dangerous when it is oxidised with oxygen free radicals and this may be the reason to form the plaque. If we can control this, by lowering cholesterol and reducing the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, it is a great thing.

Most of the persons are afraid of nuts because of the high fat content. Most of these fats are monounsaturated fatty acids which reduce the LDL or bad cholesterol. The almonds are similar to olives and have the same effect. Walnut is also good to lower cholesterol.

Remember, all plant foods including nuts do not have cholesterol. However the problem of weight gain is due to the high calories of energy in the nuts. Eat nuts but reduce the other fatty foods to lower the weight, gain.

All nuts are good, but eat without salt.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I read about tobacco and brain from NIDA Info Facts. Everybody must read this. How Does Tobacco Affect the Brain?

Cigarettes and other forms of tobacco—including cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, and chewing tobacco—contain the addictive drug nicotine. Nicotine is readily absorbed into the bloodstream when a tobacco product is chewed, inhaled, or smoked. A typical smoker will take 10 puffs on a cigarette over a period of 5 minutes that the cigarette is lit. Thus, a person who smokes about 1 1/2 packs (30 cigarettes) daily gets 300 “hits” of nicotine each day.

Upon entering the bloodstream, nicotine immediately stimulates the adrenal glands to release the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). Epinephrine stimulates the central nervous system and increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. Glucose is released into the blood while nicotine suppresses insulin output from the pancreas, which means that smokers have chronically elevated blood sugar levels.

Like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, nicotine increases levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which affects the brain pathways that control reward and pleasure. For many tobacco users, long-term brain changes induced by continued nicotine exposure result in addiction—a condition of compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative consequences. Studies suggest that additional compounds in tobacco smoke, such as acetaldehyde, may enhance nicotine’s effects on the brain. A number of studies indicate that adolescents are especially vulnerable to these effects and may be more likely than adults to develop an addiction to tobacco.

When an addicted user tries to quit, he or she experiences withdrawal symptoms including powerful cravings for tobacco, irritability, difficulty paying attention, sleep disturbances, and increased appetite. Treatments can help smokers manage these symptoms and improve the likelihood of successfully quitting.

Apart from this the risk of lung cancer and other cancers are also there. All these are good arguments to stop smoking or to avoid all forms of tobacco.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

It is impossible to know what happens exactly between the partners in their homes. But, there are warning signs which may tell you about domestic violence and abuse.

The general warning signs of domestic violence include:

• Afraid of the partner
• Want to please the partner always
• Say only “Yes” to the partner
• Report the partner often where and what she does
• Receive harassing or insulting phone calls from the partner
• Very often talk about partner’s jealousy, temper or possessiveness

The abuser may isolate the partner and this happens very often. The warning signs of isolation include:

• Not allowing to see or meet family members and friends
• Not allowed to go out without the partner
• Has very limited or no access to money

In domestic violence and abuse we have physical as well as psychological abuses. The warning signs of physical violence include:

• Has frequent injuries; usual excuse is accidents
• Often absent in work or in social gatherings without explanation
• Used to wear clothes to hide the scars and bruises. Wearing sunglasses inside the buildings and wearing long sleeves in the hot weather

The abused have many psychological problems also. The psychological warning signs of abuse include:

• Has very low self-esteem
• Major personality changes
• Is depressed or anxious
• May be thinking or talking about suicide

If you notice these warning signs in your family member or friends you must talk to them. You must ask and show your concern to them. You must listen to them very carefully and try to understand their situation rightly. You must offer help to them and support their decisions. These can be very valuable to them.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

There are many emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety.

The emotional symptoms of anxiety include:

• Excessive fear
• Irrational fear
• Unnecessary worries
• Feelings of dread
• Problems in concentration
• Feeling tense always
• Restlessness
• Watching and waiting for signs of danger
• Anticipating the worst
• Continuous irritability
• Feeling empty in the mind

The physical symptoms of anxiety include:

• Sweating
• Pounding heart
• Headaches
• Dizziness
• Stomach upset
• Muscle tension
• Tremors and twitches
• Frequent urination
• Diarrhea
• Shortness of breath
• Extreme tiredness
• Sleeplessness

Talk to your doctor; there are many anxiety treatments. There are also self-help strategies that can help you to reduce your anxiety symptoms.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Preterm birth or premature birth refers to the birth of a baby of less than 37 weeks of pregnancy.

The main causes include:

• Precocious fetal endocrine activation
• Uterine overdistension
• Desidual bleeding
• Intrauterine inflammation or infection

This is a process happening gradually over weeks or even months. The exact cause is not yet known.

The signs of premature labour include:

• Cramps or contraction, more than 5 in one hour
• Bleeding
• Urinary tract, bladder or kidney infection, the symptom is pain during urination
• Sudden discharge of clear, watery fluid from vagina
• Intense pelvic pressure
• Low, mild backache

If you have any one of the signs you must contact your gynaecologist immediately.

A pregnant must drink enough water. Dehydration is a cause for contractions and enough fluid intakes can avoid this.

If there is a symptom of infection go to your doctor immediately. A wrong alarm is not bad and preterm birth is not good..

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wer sich hemmungslos mit fetter Wurst, Fritten oder auch Kuchen mit Sahne vollstopft, kann nach Erkenntnis von US- Forschern genauso abhängig werden wie ein Drogen-Junkie. Das Hirn spielt Fettleibigen, die den Konsum von kalorienreichem, ungesundem Essen nicht lassen können, den gleichen Streich wie Rauchern, Sex-, Heroin- und Kokainsüchtigen, berichten Paul J. Kenny und Paul M. Johnson im Fachjournal «Nature Neuroscience» vom Montag.

Das Team vom Scripps Research Institute aus La Jolla (US- Bundesstaat Kalifornien) wies im Versuch mit Ratten nach, dass Junk Food das chemische Gleichgewicht im Hirn ähnlich aushebeln kann wie jedes andere Suchtmittel. Betroffen ist das «Reward System», das ein Wohlgefühl auslöst und Mensch wie Tier vorübergehend befriedigt. Doch ebenso wie Drogensüchtigen spielt das System auch den Dicken einen Streich: Je mehr sie zulangen, desto mehr Nachschub verlangt das Gehirn, um das gleiche Glücksgefühl wie beim letzten Mal zu erzeugen.

Laut Kenny «verloren die Ratten im Verlauf der Studie komplett die Kontrolle über ihr Essverhalten» - das Hauptmerkmal für Sucht. «Sie ließen selbst dann nicht nach, wenn sie mit Elektroschocks rechnen mussten. Das zeigt, wie wichtig ihnen das Schlemmen war.» Das Forscherteam fütterte die Nager mit allem, was auch für Menschen verlockend ist: Würstchen, Schinkenspeck und Käsekuchen.

Kaum hatte das Experiment begonnen, legten die Ratten auch schon an Gewicht zu. Als ihnen das fette Essen gestrichen und stattdessen Salat und Gemüse vorgesetzt wurde, verweigerten sie die Nahrung und hungerten lieber. «Wenn das Tier die Hirnzentren fürs Wohlbefinden mit dem schmackhaften Essen überreizt, passt sich das System an und schraubt seine Aktivität zurück. Das heißt, dass das Hirn ständig mit weiterer Zufuhr (von Junk Food) stimuliert werden muss, um nicht in einen Dauerzustand negativen Befindens zu verfallen», erläutert Kenny.

Molekulare Studien bestätigten inzwischen den Zusammenhang. Das Scripps-Team konzentrierte sich dabei auf den Rezeptor, an den der Botenstoff Dopamin andockt. Dopamin wird vom Hirn als Reaktion auf Reize wie Sex, Schlemmern und Drogengenuss ausgeschüttet. So ist auch der Rezeptor (D2) seit längerem für seinen entscheidenden Einfluss auf Sex- und Drogensucht bekannt. Tatsächlich sprach D2 auch auf den Genuss von reichlich Junk Food an. Um die Flut von Dopamin besser verarbeiten zu können, schaltete D2 sozusagen einen Gang nach dem anderen zurück. Demzufolge benötigte der Rezeptor immer mehr - vom Schlemmergenuss ausgelöstes - Dopamin, um in Aktion zu treten und Wohlgefühl auszulösen. Der gleiche Vorgang tritt bei anderen Suchtmitteln ein.

Autor: dpa

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This is a good question. It is important to take time and eat. If you eat very quickly this is bad for your weight reduction.

It needs 20 minutes the news of fullness to reach the brain. Then only, normally, you stop eating. But if you are eating very quickly in these 20 minutes you could eat a very big portion. Therefore, it is good to eat slowly.

You could observe that the persons who have no overweight eat very slowly. This could be learnt by everybody.

There are many things you cold influence for weight reduction. You must understand it, practise it and the success will be always yours.

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